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Iraq message to the world, Iraqis are coming ... # · Global Voices

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· Iraq: To the Entire WORLD, # IRAQI are coming ...

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... thus saith @ ArabPeople

The Iraqi people are taking inspiration from the various revolutions which agitate the Arab world has given the departure of his own day of anger on February 25. The main event was located on Tahrir Square in Baghdad but other similar events were held throughout the country. @ ArabPeople writing [the links are in English]: #

Iraq has just begun and it will surprise the # entire Arab world. No other revolution has begun in 17 + different locations. This is just the beginning.

Facebook page of the Iraqi revolution has published a list of claims brought here in their entirety, which ends with:


- We are tired of politicians statements, honeyed promises tired, tired of making prosthetic that some officials are taking to pull the wool over the eyes of people.

- empty promises will not ease the anger, poor ad does not wrap the ill-dressed and brilliant slogans n'étancheront not the thirst of those to whom they are intended.

- Silence is no longer a choice for each of us, starting today we are no longer silent ...

- So how long will they stay the Iraqis still divided into two classes , one who eats meat, and one that eats the fat!

- And how long a group of people going to touch it yet more figures, each wage satisfying a whole clan, while others do not even have a penny to support the welfare of their own!

- And how long a group will he heat of the fire caused by the burning of public funds while others die because of cold winter nights!

- And how much longer will enjoy some fresh water in the heat of summer while others may quench their thirst with water sewers!


IQ4C has posted the plan of the demonstration in Baghdad in this image:

and then relayed on twitter:

tired of trying to eat today was a good training to express my freedom in peace, I am a peaceful man, besides being a civilian iraq # # # feb25 iq4c

Sunshine provides coverage of Mosul, where his cousin was involved in the event. She relays some stunning images and named the event:

Today is "Friday of Wrath" and this revolution is called: Al Nakheel's revolution "revolution of the palms."

she writes

The important thing is that for people not to break everything ...

Another thing that is nice to see is people doing all the "Friday prayers "Al Tahreer in Baghdad, Sunnis and Shiites together, and they launched" We are Sunni and Shiite brothers and we do not sell out this country, "the same thing is going to Sulaymania when Kurds and Arabs prayed together ... citizens are united, the government is trying to separate us and extend the confessional, but it will not happen, and plans, as sneaky as they are, will not succeed ..

I pray for a hopeful future, and today I am proud of the Iraqis I know how people are great here, and how they endured, not only for 7 years, but since Saddam took control of the country ...

Warnings in power

The Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, accusing supporters of Saddam and al-Qaida have organized demonstrations and Shiite religious leaders have urged people not to not manifest. Healing Iraq gives (here and here), the bridge of view:

intimidation tactics Maliki no longer work with the Iraqis and only serve to discredit a little more. Iraqis are tired of cronyism, corruption ...

Typical reaction from the clerical establishment that wants to maintain its grip on the Iraqi Shia in order to keep its coffers full. These anti-corruption protests that swept the country in Sulaimaniya Barash are a huge threat to those who hamper progress in the 'democratic Iraq'.

Hawazin Abbas added:

Conduct adopted [by the Iraqi government] in the approach to these events was EXACTLY the same as all tyrannies around: confirmation anxious to deep uncertainty about his own legitimacy, the race promises to train delays, questioning the merits of the dispute and the attempts to appeal to the old bogeymen ... Now, I am FIRMLY against this government

Kassakhoon think these events are just the beginning:

Protests also show how this government is weak and terrified by the population when it sends security forces by the thousands to block roads, mainly bridge leading to the already heavily fortified Green Zone protected by high concrete walls, anti-explosion.

No government officials dared to appear before the demonstrators, they only spoke to state television ..

It is true that the events of today are over the field, but they are still alive inside the demonstrators. What we witnessed today was a little snowball that just started to roll and that will grow every day.

Unlike Mr. Maliki, who accused the protesters of being in the pay of Saddam, Layla Anwar path, among the Iraqi bloggers, is the closest a Saddamism gives a rather different view on events:

PROTESTS 'my ass. Where were you when the tanks arrived? Where were you when the Shiite sectarian and turbaned mullahs you have purchased a few hundred dollars for a finger dipped in purple ink and vote "Democratic" ...

Where were you when we have fled en masse, living the lives of dogs in exile ... Where were you when you wore the militias have emerged naked and danced for you and that we have all been decimated? Where were you, anyway?

Where were you when you left another son of a bitch sectarian Iran again take power, for a second term and you sat with them and talked about national reconciliation and urns?!

Where were you when the Iraqi resistance fighting against the invader ALONE?

... ...

demand better living conditions for the puppets is a nonsense. Hundreds of foreign companies live on your back, bringing with them their own staff by giving yourself to your fate, the so-called educated class of work, blue collar workers in your own country ...

So, where were Do you? ... ...

Drop me a bit, you hypocrites.

Iraq is my greatest love and you are my biggest disappointment.

Speak as much as you want, I do not lend my voice. I was a lone voice for the last 5 years and have suffered the worst abuse in your name. Protest all you want.

Creative Commons License Written by Salam Adil
· Translated by Jean Saint-Dizier
Translation published February 27, 2011 · Printer Print

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