Sunday, May 9, 2010

Broken Capillaries Face Symptoms

Jin took off

Jin finally left Lex for Lax!

Journalists have noticed Jin at Narita Airport (yesterday or today?) And asked him some questions before his departure. He has said, when asked if he was excited, he will work hard and do their best. And then, over his choice of going to occur in the U.S. rather than doing the tour with KAT-TUN, he said:
"It was something I wanted to do for the present time"

When asked if he would return to KAT-TUN, he replied vaguely (trying to make them go away) "I do not know the future" However, just before boarding, many journalists it were asked again: "Quit you KAT-TUN?", to which he responded quickly and decisively: "I never leave not the group. Support us now, please. "

Anecdotally, when reporters wanted to take pictures of him, he put his hood and covered his face (the pseudo beard = D) of his sleeve, amused, saying: "I do not wear makeup."

He went a little over a month in advance to Los Angeles for preliminary preparations at the club, meetings, etc.. He is under contract with UTB until October and has also received an offer from a tour in clubs.

sources: Tsuyaka, Nikkan Sports, Daily Sports (Pun & lex-lax "found by Yin xD)