Monday, January 31, 2011

Performance Evaluation Verbiage

FMA - Roy Mustang - # 05, crushed by a tractor

Duuude, it's been two years since my previous claim here?

Title: speaking unworthy
Author: YLG
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist , 1 anime
Character: Roy Mustang
Rating: PG
theme # 05, crushed by a tractor
Disclaimer: Hiromu Arakawa , Square Enix, Bones studio

Note: in-series, episode 43 - not understandable if you have not seen the first animated series
(ie Scar and KimBlee n ' are for nothing. Roy the did. Enjoy your post-traumatic stress and your suicidal tendencies in this version, Roy-boy, it's been chirping the fangirls nasty! & hearts)


In the woods behind Riesenberg, after a chorus of cries, silence settles weighing. The natural cracking of the trees and the rustling of a squirrel stealth resume their duties. To simply listen, it would be hard to believe that a band of human small but consistent, has taken over.

Humans in question were frozen on site and look at each other, all the more disturbed than the others. They already have two dénombrent physical injuries and at least one in his pride ...

a few centimeters, Roy Mustang was no longer of this world, killed one of the most stupid manner, if any. The tractor came to rest at the last moment really.

He met the gaze of his driver who has failed to crush it and it reads as much fear he had experience in itself. The fear quickly turns angry

... Oh no, she did not express. If asked, would deny it vehemently, obviously. It is true that she hates him. She tries to hide, but he knows, and accepts the excuse, and he admits he does not defend himself without doubt if she ever decided to come and settle accounts with him - except to save her turn capital punishment, what a mess it would be for a girl like her ...

And he sees his own expression she thinks make her unworthy of a murderess, or with premeditation or with injury. Had it crashed today, instead of thinking avenged her parents, she probably would hate even more. To think well there, he said that even accidental death would have made things worse.

No, the young Winry Rockbell should never have to justify himself to the world to have launched a homemade tractor more than doubtful on the person of an Army Colonel. Whether he deserved or not.

The disaster was narrowly averted. It will really appreciate that his Lieutenant for it. And he works up the courage to go and explain, once and for all, with the girl, one of these days, honestly ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Diagram Of The Camera

Durarara! - Izaya Orihara - 04. Death by swallowing a fishbone

Title: Croustibat
Author / Artist: Andrew Anders
Fandom: Durarara! (Animeverse)
Character: Izaya Orihara
Rating: PG
Theme: 04. Death by swallowing a fishbone
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Narita Ryohgo

At first it was tingling.
Izaya dropped his fork.
He ate alone, as usual. That does not bother him more. He knew he was destined to solitude, being the one who loved all mankind.
He began to cough.
His throat began to ache. He felt like tearing into his flesh. Something horrible, that could not happen to him. Not to him.
Tears of pain welled eyes. It hugging each neck, a bit of drool oozing from between his lips as he began to convulse for lack of air.
blood mingled with the saliva. His body
crashed to the ground, inert. He was unconscious and his face turned blue due to lack of oxygen.
In his attitude, innocent fish remained intact. At almost a mouthful.
A fatal bite.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Seven Seas Italian Dressing Recipe

Durarara! - Izaya Orihara - 03.

Title: Crime of passion?
Author / Artist: Andrew Anders
Fandom: Durarara! (Animeverse)
Character: Izaya Orihara
Rating: PG
Theme: 03. Poisoned
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Ryohgo Narita

Even Izaya Orihara had to pay its bills.
nose dived in the papers, he made his books on Excel, his gaze sweeping a mournful eyes behind his glasses, sets of numbers to complicated calculations. He surrounded
a sum on a piece with his pen red, Namie and gently placed a cup of hot coffee near his right hand.
He knit his brows barely, concentrated, and the young woman smiled, accustomed to being ignored.
The informant continued his task a few minutes, while his assistant began to dust the furniture.
The intense smell of coffee gave Izaya to interrupt its activities to make the handle of the cup and it was still warm but not hot. He sniffed the aroma sighed and well-being, taking a sip.
the corner of his eye he could watch Namie. She stood on tiptoe to reach the top of a shelf, and he could contemplate with impunity his ass, though she does not realize anything. Not that he is really interested in what kind of things - sex - strictly reserved for animals and the primaries, but he had a developed aesthetic sense, and Namie curves were significant, on this plan there. She was beautiful. That was his main quality.
He sipped his coffee thoughtfully, wondering vaguely if Namie could make him fall in love, if he were a normal human being. Surely yes. She was smart enough for that.
The coffee was bitter. Yet the Izaya relished slowly, his tongue tasting the dark texture of this liquid annoying virtues. He felt life return to its members through this numb sitting too long. Le fluide chaud paraissait se répandre dans ses veines, faisant parcourir un courant électrique dans son système nerveux. Il se sentait revigoré, ce qui le poussa à se lever de sa chaise…pour s'effondrer immédiatement après.
Namie s'approcha lentement de lui, mais il ne voyait que ses chaussures; il avait la joue écrasée contre la moquette, et des hauts le cœur secouait son corps fragile.
- Namieeee, gronda-t-il. Qu'as-tu mis dans mon café ?
La jeune femme sourit. Il ne le vit pas, mais l'entendit dans sa voix.
- Vous n'avez pas need to know. You'll be dead in less than a minute, anyway.
- Why?, "Growled his employer, whose eyes sparkled with energy.
- Because I just can not do your every whim. You are bothering me. I must join my brother.
space of a moment, the informant realized he would actually have fallen in love with her. Then he did not realize anything, because his eyes extinguished, as if one had pressed a switch.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Was Is The Average Bmi Of A Woman

Durarara poisoned! - Izaya Orihara - 02.

Title: Chatroom
Author / Artist: Andrew Anders
Fandom : Durarara! (Animeverse)
Character: Izaya Orihara
Rating: PG
Theme: 02. Laughing
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Ryohgo Narita

was the big question over the cat. Nobody seemed to believe his eyes.
Kanra: Yes! Shizuo Heiwajima died this morning. He took a bullet in the chest as he left his home quietly ...
Izaya rubbed his hands with a delighted air. The two beads of onyx which served eyes shining like small lights in the midst of dark shadows swarming with vermin - her thoughts.
Setton: Impossible.
Izaya smiled.
Kanra: I'm sorry, Setton-san was a friend of yours?
Setton: I gotta go, they call me. A plus.
- Setton has disconnected -
Tanaka Taro: But I thought qu'Heiwajima was the strongest man in Ikebukuro?
Orihara smiled at his computer screen. He began to typing frantically, his brow slightly moist.
Kanra: I heard it was a revenge. Men were waiting downstairs from him. They were part of the Yellow Scarves. Heiwajima had no chance. It rained, it was an umbrella, and he crossed a narrow lane ...
Saika: It's really sad ...
Kanra: Its not splashed in the puddles forming on the concrete floor, and he growled softly, moaning against the rain and gray skies. It was at this point that the gunman raised his arm. He referred ... then he shot.
Taro Tanaka: You know something, Kanra-san!
Saika: It's scary.
The informant chuckled.
Kanra: The blood slowly bloomed on his black jacket. He did not initially seen, unconscious of the slightest pain. This guy was a rock ...
a moment, pain in the chest prevented Izaya continuing. To see writing that, He had gasped. Shizuo was dead. Finally
Kanra: His blood had the same color as ours, I can assure you. He was very red, and when he fell, the crimson liquid began to form a task was beneath him ... ...
Saika: change the subject, if you pleasure t.
Taro Tanaka: Of course! Pardon the weird humor Kanra-san. It's not good to talk to a man who has just been murdered this way. Looks ... Kanra-san, it almost seems that it amuses you.
Izaya laughed bitterly. But his eyes were cold, a bottomless abyss. His laughter swelled to such an extent that it met all the space in his large office. It was the echo of a distant and forgotten character, the ghost of a person who hated disappeared. A smile that became progressively sobs, uncontrollable hiccups and breathing more and more broken, like a teardrop on the cheek of a rough unshaven man, irregular shape and humid.
- Kanra disconnected -
Tanaka Taro: Oh? I think I offended ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What To Write In A Christening Card For A Friend

Argh! Thirty

Okay so for my birthday I got a computer! It's magic!

Except that I did not Word. And then you say, you've already done this one, Word will get through your job, bitch! Unless the offer is over, now that ben my little lady should pay and that therefore I had to download Open Office I do not.

Ya man's not dead, okay, it puts me in a ball, but good.

Before the holidays I lost my blue pen. Today I'll buy one because the teacher without a pen that does not. I come home and there I put my pen in my bag, I opened the pen to put a new cartridge ... This cunt seller a ball spun me when I wanted a pen, I'm going to go back ... I want to scream and gory stuff ...

Yes, I know it's not serious but it annoys me.

That was the rant free. I

Rode Nt1a Best Pre Amp

Durarara laughing! - Izaya Orihara - 01. Natural death

Title: At the funeral
Author / Artist: Andrew Anders
Fandom: Durarara! (Mainly animeverse, there will still elements of the novels)
Character: Izaya Orihara
Rating: G
Theme: 01. Natural death
Disclaimer: The characters belong Ryohgo at Narita.

The body lay in a small wooden coffin on the altar.

Izaya face was wrinkled and eyes closed. He wore a black suit, which clouded the lines. His hair, once jet-black, resembled today for filaments of a spider web.

He died in his sleep. Namie who was discovered one morning lying in her bed, clutching his chest, his face distorted by pain. It was

died in his sleep, peacefully. It was what we had told her two sisters.

Namie Yagiri also attended the funeral. She looked around her empty benches, and pretended to sniff in her handkerchief to hide a smile. Until the end, it has been unpopular. Him who loved both men, he succeeded in making himself hated to the point where no one cries at his funeral.

Foremost, the sisters were Izaya, and Kururi Mairu. It was they who organized the funeral and they were the only regret that a little old informant.

Suddenly, the doors of the church opens wide in a roar that echoes through the vaults, jingling all ears.

Shizuo Heiwajima, unabated, and despite his age, stood there, pushing at arm's heavy double doors, metal clad. He always wore his eternal bartender costume, and her long white hair fell in strands stiff on his tinted glasses.

- Izayaaaaaaaa!, He roared.

Without concern for anyone, he ran fast toward the coffin, his shoes slapping on the icy stones.

- bastards!, He shouted, beside himself.

Namie thought he would overthrow the coffin. But he did not. He froze at the edge, contemplating the corpse of his best enemy, eyes wide open. His eyes were

ember, his expression inscrutable.

He laughed.

Behind him, Kururi, the most fragile, began to weep, and vaguely Mairu tried to console her, one hand on his shoulder, e.

- You're DEAD! "Exclaimed Shizuo.

And his voice sounded a resounding triumph, filled with rage and excitement, which reverberated endlessly against the stained glass.

- Fini. Finished! I would never have to smell your stench in this city. I would never have to watch over my shoulder. More crappy shots, more twisted entanglements FINISHED ... !

Heiwajima quickly withdrew his glasses, crazy eyes. They were half blind, and yet today, they shone with a gleam of dementia intense madness that had only increased as and when his life is slowly turning into hell thanks to the underhanded maneuvers Orihara. Shizuo had always had this emotional instability in him and Izaya had done everything to accentuate, to reduce it to a wreck with no future. Evidenced by the sorry state of his clothes and the smell awful it generates. He lived in this street and had not eaten for several days. Nevertheless, he was there. Living, then qu'Orihara was dead. In the night. A heart attack. Ottoman.

- You made me crazy all these years and now ... now ...

He passed his hand over his eyes in disbelief. A tear rolled down his cheek.

- ... Now you're gone ... I'll finally be able to live ...

There was a new sound, he turned.

Namie had left the church. In saying this it would be fine to do some shopping. Why not eat in the restaurant ...


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Beds Placed In Corners

Sweet! Even

thirty years!

Well actually I am not changed from yesterday ...

enôôôôôôôrme Unless I have a new computer! (Still in its box)

And that's all ... like what I always tell my life ... Taken