Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Morrowind Chunk Size Too Big

Jin attacks (would) in Hollywood

The announcement of his concerts solo in Los Angeles next June, but above all his visa six months have been much chatter about Akanishi Jin, circulating the wildest rumors about him. Today, it's not a girl he had made pregnant or whatever, but Jin has reserved six months ... to play in the fourth installment of the famous movies Pirates of the Caribbean !

This was announced - and will be called: Pirates of the Caribbean, On Stranger Tides . It will feature Johnny Depp alongside the beautiful Pénéloppe Cruz (because now the couple is gone, we must insert a romance somewhere). The cracker part the search for the fountain of youth, to "confront new adversaries armed with a revolutionary technology (...) and who headed a dangerous master"

According to the Tokyo Sports, Jin has already passed the auditions and have success! (But it is not supposed to still be in Japan this?). Jin therefore benefit from his stay in the country of Meatballs to make his first Hollywood film for which shooting begins precisely in June. According to someone in Hollywood: "There has not yet been any official announcement, but from nearly 10,000 participants, Akanishi was chosen. Originally it was to play the leading Japanese pirates but now his role is not yet decided, however, have an important role. "According to him, Ken Watanabe could also take part in the movie.

For the anecdote, French was selected The cast (and this time it's actually official): Astrid Berges-Frisbey ( The first star, a dam against the Pacific ). She will play a young siren.

other hand, Jin concerts in LA are now sold out (and in just three hours - e ; amazing, when you think just yesterday, there was a way to make it all behind places ...). They were bought by Japanese fans, but also 40% of Americans !

The "log" then goes further: according to him, Jin KAT-TUN leave in December. This corresponds precisely with the termination of the KAT-TUN with the telephone company (Docomo) - it would benefit to be "liberated" and his departure would be announced. ;

source: Uwasako & Screenrush

Although this remains a rumor, it leaves me no marble, all that. The film, I do not care, it amuses me more than anything else (and if it proves true, it would be even more xD), but this whole termination during which he would profit to exit KAT-TUN. This is not the first time this sort of rumor out, but still ... And it annoys me more than I normally am one of the first find that it would be a good thing, musically (and personally) because I see how it flourishes when he can do what he loves. But I can not imagine how it could totally, completely leave the group.

not I spit on such a decision - especially since in all behave with integrity sanctity, the group without Jin does not interest me that much (I can not even hear their new song, I'm losing interest more and more) , but it still leaves me a nasty feeling.

It also annoys me because before I was the last to worry , not to listen to the rumors that were running (I even read it), and there, the Tokyo Sports, far from being a reference happens to make me tremble.

ago to wait for the official announcement to know what it really is. :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do You Need To Bury Your Posts On A Swing Set

FMA - Frank Archer - # 13.Mort smothered by a pillow

Title: A big boy
Author: petite_laitue
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (1st anime)
Characters: Frank Archer
Disclaimer: Everything is Hiromu Arakawa, too bad for me and good for Archer
Rating: PG
Subjects 13. suffocated by a pillow
Word count: 1100 words

Frank Archer was a great Colonel. He had enlisted in the army as soon as he had the age and had difficulty climbing the corporate ladder over time. His complete incompetence in terms of alchemy had of course been a major obstacle in getting promotions, but through hard work, determination and coldness he had managed to compensate. According to him there was no doubt he was a great strategist and a top-notch fighter. Therefore he fully deserved the honors due his rank of Colonel and recently viewed with contempt all those lazy incompetents who were his colleagues. Roy Mustang in particular that was his rank at his impudence and his charming smile, not to mention that he spent too much time chasing girls instead of working. It annoyed him that much more arrogant Don Juan popular and respected him. But this change when he won the campaign Lior and that everyone would recognize how it, Frank Archer, was a great war hero.

In private, Frank Archer was a big boy. For many years he was doing everything alone without the help of his mother. And he was very proud to manage such a big boy. He chose his own clothes and managed to dress properly, obviously wearing a uniform he almost always greatly simplified the task but it was necessary to recognize its merit. In addition he was dining alone, cooking like a big boy very complicated dishes like pasta or rice, and sometimes even eggs. And he also took care of the household: he kept his house was dust, spent brushes, washing dishes ... In short he did all his chores himself as the great man he was. It was true that there was slightly forced, as he lived alone. Indeed, no woman had wanted to share his life and his mom had made it clear long ago that she counted on him to fend for himself as the great man he was. That does not bother him, quite the contrary. He never wanted to marry because he considered romantic relationships as a waste of time. He also knew that his mom was right when she said it would happen to her because an officer still living with his mother hooks would never be fulfilled. Frank Archer and lived alone in his big house and he was very happy with his life as a single boy.

Yet there were times when Frank Archer bitterly regretted not having his mom to help him when he knew little hassle. And one of those moments exactly repeated every three weeks: indeed Frank Archer hated making the bed. He hated this chore. In his eyes was even worse than drinking cold coffee, worse than being called a weakling Armstrong proudly displaying the splendid musculature Armstrong passed on from generation to generation, worse than being deprived of a war that could bring him fame, worse than seeing Mustang to congratulate the Generalissimo ... Brief Frank Archer to his bed was worse than anything.

But today was the very day the dreaded, the one where he had to change his sheets. He had tried to reduce this chore as much as possible but, being somewhat picky about the edges, he refused to sleep more than three weeks in the same sheets and finally had to resort to this horrible task. Therefore

It was at this time trying to correct her duvet in her quilt. Cursing and grunting, he tried to spread the quilt so it is evenly distributed inside the cover. Against all odds he gets wrapped a duvet cover at the center of which seemed to be half its share upside. Archer Frank uttered a cry of rage, tearing the fabric of the quilt that enveloped and then proceeded to properly extend the cover over the bed. Once that was done he grabbed the duvet and ventured inside the cover to properly position all these stupid pieces of fabric. After five minutes it manages to put two corners of the duvet in the two corresponding ends of the cover and a sigh of relief, he tried to get out of there. Without success. Indeed

Frank Archer soon realized he was lost in his duvet. Find out logically was not complicated but the little air available in this fabric envelope coupled with her state of excitement already well advanced provoked a panic among the Colonel, who began to wriggle frantically trying to find a outcome. Therefore it ends up entangled in the cover and fell off the bed, putting an end to its possibilities of escape. Her panic rose a notch when he realized he was trapped in her sheets, without the ability to go it alone. Shouting despair muffled by the layers of textiles that surrounded him, he tried to recover by resting on his bed and managed to grab a piece of cloth he pulled with all his might. This had resulted in the loss of half a dozen pillows that were placed on a corner of the mattress.

Frank Archer spent the next twenty minutes to suffocate in its entangled quilt under a mountain of pillows. And finally, lacking oxygen, he died in that position.

Three days later, a sergeant was sent to his home to find out why he had not submitted to HQ in recent days. When he discovered the body, the soldier called for reinforcements and an investigation was quickly conducted to discover the cause of death of Colonel Frank Archer. Once the autopsy had revealed the circumstances of his death, it was decided that Frank Archer was buried in secret. In fact the army was suffering at this time of questionable reputation and the generals all agreed on the fact that a man stupid enough to choke on her sheets did not deserve that military tributes it is rendered. King Bradley had the thought that sentence was more than justified: after all, even his son Selim knew how his bed like a big boy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Disadvantages Of Butane

Challenge 14: Suicide. Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Double edged

Title: Double edged
Author / Artist:
Character: Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Rating: NC-17 for violent themes / adult and dismemberment
Theme : 14, suicide
Disclaimer: nothing to me, to Kubo Tite. ;: D

Mayuri Kurotsuchi had always boasted of having a psychological resistance to any e ; evidence, and to disregard the emotions where others cracked. But there was something against which he could do nothing because it was linked to his being. He hated that thing, then it it wanted to accommodate them cope alone. But in Rukongai, who fared only were those who could crush the other. Rukongai to those who fend for themselves were those who did not fall half dead after attempting to control, once again, this energy they felt in themselves . In Rukongai, who arrived just do not get killed survived, but they were never free. Rukongai at last, if we were hungry, we accepted his fate or were dying.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi was hungry, and he could do nothing. Even when not trying to touch this strange energy he sensed in him, she devoured from within. He did not know how to control it and sometimes escaped him, when he was scared, hurt, or he was angry. How could he ignore it? It was both the cause of his suffering and the only exit door that met him. He could have event one of them , if only he had the strength to leave the brothel. But it was too late. The madam, any lout it was, was smart enough to keep him. She had once picked up in an alley, half fainting from starvation, and had brought "home". She had nursed him, he had thanked her and was prepared to leave, to feel stopped by an iron fist. "Do not you think anyway pas que je t'ai nourri à l'oeil ?» avait-elle demandé. Une heure plus tard, il s'était retrouvé dane une pièce dont les fenêtres avaient des barreaux, avec pour seule instruction «Sois agréable avec les clients et tout se passera bien pour toi. Y'a des métiers plus désagréables que ça, crois-moi.» A cet instant déjà, il était trop tard pour partir. Elle savait . Le premier homme à entrer dans sa pièce en était reparti avec un black eye that had not discouraged. Mayuri had destroyed everything he could in the room, and his energy had flowed from him like lava from a volcano springs, and he was hungry again. He had received no food or water for two days and had not even got out to relieve himself or clean themselves. A pass was enough for him to understand that it would be a prisoner until no longer wants him. When he tried to escape by taking advantage of the release of the client, he had undergone the same treatment. Three days without water, food, and unhygienic. After several escape attempts that had all ended in failure, he gave up and fled had thought of a way to get kicked out . The hostess and several customers had remarked that it was more desirable than many other residents of the brothel, and he thought while he was pushing, he would be expelled. For a time he put a good face, and tried to learn from his companions and fellow sufferers any information that could serve him. He noticed that while some were scarred, everyone took great care of their face. After all, Rukongai, few people that life had not scored in their flesh one way or another. But the beautiful faces, in the brothel, seemed to be a precious commodity whose owners made a great case. This applied especially to women who were there voluntarily, because that life was better, they said, that the lives of those who were doing the same job outside no one to protect them if they fell on a client too violent. Mayuri therefore resolved to mutilate his face. It was not easy because of his behavior upon his arrival, and the beauty that was to protect the madam, she was so lucrative, it was impossible to obtain some object he could use as a weapon against himself or against others. It gave him not even chopsticks to eat his soup: he had to eat from a wooden bowl scultpé, so thick he could not break sharp pieces for use as a blade. All his efforts are never changed this treatment, and other prostitutes were not willing to give him any assistance whatsoever. They did not lose their own privileges, and they were jealous of his daily meals, when they themselves were allowed to feed only two or three times a week. One day, however, the owner decided he was well enough that his clients might offer her sake, if they wished. Some fairly wealthy neighborhoods were seeking anonymous Rukongai some pleasures brothels of beautiful areas of Soul Society did not offer. Mayuri's patience was rewarded and one day, a customer offered him noble sake. He accepted a little, then insisted that he felt unwell and could not drink more. He did not cease, however to make conversation with his client and to regularly fill his cup. When he thought that his reflexes were slow enough, he broke the bottle on the head. While the man was stunned, he lost no time, and without thinking, fear of not being able to go through with his gesture, he grabbed the neck of the bottle and use a sharp edge to decide a ear. His cry alerted all present, and he was found prostrate on the ground, clutching his bloody skull with his client terrified and unable to speak.

Even this sacrifice does not expel him. Having occupied the unhappy customer the hostess came back to him with a tanto and had no hesitation cut the other ear, then left him in the care of a prostitute whom she had confidence. He did not need further explanation: he would not leave. When he emerged from the mists of pain, after a few days, and it was clear that the wounds were not infected, he waited until everyone is lying and sleeping, and used the yukata belt to strangle her. Just before losing consciousness, he curses the energy against nature that had did end his days in a brothel.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Linsey Mckenzie Computer

You & Jin: presentation of the Club Nokia & pub

The Club Nokia, the box also serves as a concert hall that will accommodate Jin and his entire troupe in June has finally updated its website with a presentation of the concert You & Jin !

Translation not excellent, but gives an idea:

Johnny & Associates and have UTB

You & Jin USA

Jin Akanishi

Date: Sat, June 19th, 2010

Concert: 18:00


Doors open: 17:00

Age: All ages

Listed: Thurs, April 15th, 2010, 10:00

Ticket prices: $ 39.50 - $ 154.50

Performance Details:

The super popstar Jin Akanishi makes his debut in America. Akanishi, a lead singer Superband J-pop KAT-TUN, will play a variety of songs in her native Japanese, as well as English. Both nights You & Jin in downtown Los Angeles consists of three production shows featuring Vegas-style, with giant screens to simulcast the " arena-lighting "and lasers, dancers and singers.

Akanishi is the lead singer of the renowned Japanese group KAT-TUN, which recorded 14 first places in the charts and sold 5.2 million CDs. On April 4, 2009, tickets were sold for their eight consecutive concerts in the concert hall most of Japan, the Tokyo Dome, followed by concerts in Osaka and again Tokyo. All 440,000 seats are exhausted that day.

Akanishi returned 32 shows You & Jin of 7 to 28 February in Tokyo, Nissey theater. The event is the brainchild of Johnny Kitagawa, the president of the best talent agency in Japan, Johnny & Associates, Inc.. "I wanted a show of American style in Japan, with some of my best talents," said Kitagawa. The success of the concert has encouraged it to extend tour outside of Japan, starting with Los Angeles.

"I am excited to bring this show to my fans in the United States. I think we will expand our fan base and reach by playing songs in Japanese and English to attract a wider audience. We have worked hard to produce a spectacle of high quality, energetic, visually stimulating and I'm sure our fans will enjoy every minute in U.S., "offered Akanishi.

Original page: Club Nokia

*: The "arena-lighting", I know what it is, but I do not know how they call it in French ... So if anyone has an idea, I'm all ears. ^ ^

And the pub that happening right now on channel UTB. It is of very poor quality, ultra-cliché-type voice is too funny, but there are good pictures that go:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How To Make Gurkha Knife

silk_lio @ 2010-04-03T15: 24:00

J-Web 1 April 2010


is Nishikido Ryo.

Have you all seen the DVD?

Cool, is not it?

Funny is not it?

So recommend to see your friends too


Source: pala4er @ ryo_watch

554 554 Delivery Error

J-Web Yamapi No. 2339 (April 2, 2010)

Thursday (April 1), Pi, Ryo & Jin were out in Roppongi. They went to their usual box until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, then Jin & Yamapi were I know not all sleep in that:

J- Web Yamapi No. 2339 (April 2, 2010)

Today, after finishing training, I immediately went to rehearsals of MSSP.
Right now I'm on standby in the lodge. Someone gave

Massu in a bento!

Sounds delicious (^ ^)

Today there are so many people in the audience!
I feel we could have fun singing when ç started ~!

Yesterday, after many years, I again slept
with Jin!

He did not notice the alarm clock !

It did not stop ringing for about 10 times and he did not awake at all.

Finally, I am the one who had to wake him up!

Feeling that I had a good thing ~ ~

Source: The

Friday, April 2, 2010

Engagement Party Sayings Templates

Theme 3 poisoning. Bleach Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Regardless of the bottle ... although

Title: Whatever though ... the bottle.
Author / Artist: uathann
Fandom :
Character: Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Rating: PG
Theme : 3, poisoned
Disclaimer: nothing to me, to Kubo Tite.: D
Note: Free debility. : D

Turning and turning a sorry air in the middle of the laboratory, Kisuke Urahara seemed plunged into complete disarray . He mumbled while pausing at intervals of "Oh, no! It does not happen like that! "And an impatient gesture of the hand. Of Occasionally, he cast a glance of apology at a strange object on one of the many working surfaces of the room, then start turning in circles. For a drastic solution, it was. Both bottles were still the fatal resemblance posed where he had left when he realized what had happened.

is still fascinating, he caught himself thinking. The clothes have undergone the same out that the speci ... the victim.

Once again, he stood facing the body and heaved a sigh sorry. He knew he should arrange to give the poison and the remedy in a manner clearly identifiable. He should not have to yield to mistrust sickly ( sic ) by Mayuri at the location of the excipients. He should have insisted and add at least one dye. That would teach him to want to win even a subordinate.

It was well worth the blow it out of its cage if it was to end up like a prune.

"You see, Commander Genryuusai we were going to find a solution against premature aging due to absorption of radio components reiatsiques amended s, and ... "

He paused again, and wrung her fingers anxiety.

"... and it is now clear that we may treat evil with evil. The third seat Kurotsuchi seems to have reached a state-of-unfortunately fatal rot. It also seems that his reiatsu was compressed to the point of becoming solid and an inexhaustible source for the emission of photons. "

Not decided ; ment, he could well make things any How, KisukeUrahara had transformed his subordinate in fig light rot.

It would not hurt, in a bedside lamp.