Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Seven Seas Italian Dressing Recipe

Durarara! - Izaya Orihara - 03.

Title: Crime of passion?
Author / Artist: Andrew Anders
Fandom: Durarara! (Animeverse)
Character: Izaya Orihara
Rating: PG
Theme: 03. Poisoned
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Ryohgo Narita

Even Izaya Orihara had to pay its bills.
nose dived in the papers, he made his books on Excel, his gaze sweeping a mournful eyes behind his glasses, sets of numbers to complicated calculations. He surrounded
a sum on a piece with his pen red, Namie and gently placed a cup of hot coffee near his right hand.
He knit his brows barely, concentrated, and the young woman smiled, accustomed to being ignored.
The informant continued his task a few minutes, while his assistant began to dust the furniture.
The intense smell of coffee gave Izaya to interrupt its activities to make the handle of the cup and it was still warm but not hot. He sniffed the aroma sighed and well-being, taking a sip.
the corner of his eye he could watch Namie. She stood on tiptoe to reach the top of a shelf, and he could contemplate with impunity his ass, though she does not realize anything. Not that he is really interested in what kind of things - sex - strictly reserved for animals and the primaries, but he had a developed aesthetic sense, and Namie curves were significant, on this plan there. She was beautiful. That was his main quality.
He sipped his coffee thoughtfully, wondering vaguely if Namie could make him fall in love, if he were a normal human being. Surely yes. She was smart enough for that.
The coffee was bitter. Yet the Izaya relished slowly, his tongue tasting the dark texture of this liquid annoying virtues. He felt life return to its members through this numb sitting too long. Le fluide chaud paraissait se répandre dans ses veines, faisant parcourir un courant électrique dans son système nerveux. Il se sentait revigoré, ce qui le poussa à se lever de sa chaise…pour s'effondrer immédiatement après.
Namie s'approcha lentement de lui, mais il ne voyait que ses chaussures; il avait la joue écrasée contre la moquette, et des hauts le cœur secouait son corps fragile.
- Namieeee, gronda-t-il. Qu'as-tu mis dans mon café ?
La jeune femme sourit. Il ne le vit pas, mais l'entendit dans sa voix.
- Vous n'avez pas need to know. You'll be dead in less than a minute, anyway.
- Why?, "Growled his employer, whose eyes sparkled with energy.
- Because I just can not do your every whim. You are bothering me. I must join my brother.
space of a moment, the informant realized he would actually have fallen in love with her. Then he did not realize anything, because his eyes extinguished, as if one had pressed a switch.


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