Title: Hush
Author / Artist :
Fandom: Bleach
Character: Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Rating: PG-13 breaking everything
Subjects 7, died of strangulation / hanging
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Tite Kubo, I'm just passing through and I do not win in that text. : D
Once is not custom, Mayuri Kurotsuchi is in great spirits. The atmosphere of carnage, the bodies scattered, mingled with the smell burnt blood and its environment as welcoming as the most sophisticated laboratories. Arrancars carcasses on which he puts his hand would do dance of joy, if it was more urgent to remove organs and samples before they disappear: they are modified , s, but you never know, and this opportunity is not wasted. The desert sand is soft beneath his sandals, and his step is quick, almost dancing. He knows he has done well to follow the reiatsu residual Kenpachi: not one but two bodies Espada he discovered in his footsteps. One whose reiatsu is the most strong door to his chest a gaping wound that is more than likely the cause of his defeat. Mayuri jubilant: the open mouth of the Espada lets see his tongue, and she is number five. The hole whence the chain of life, before the specimen becomes a hollow, is strangely placed, Mayuri and welcomes more have discovered the individual.
"Hm, it's strange, I can not see any vital sign, but the specimen still has a low emission of reiatsu. Nemu, go see what state is the other, and if it is numbered. And be quick about it!
- Yes, Mayuri-sama.
- It seems that this big brute of Zaraki has not completed his opponent ... I did not know quite subtle agonizing to watch anybody. It may have more potential than it looks. "Mayuri
sampled skin near the wound primary. The skin resistance is fascinating, and forces him to use two scalpels before obtaining a sufficient for their research.
"So how is the other? Does he really think I'll do it myself?
- He's dead, Mayuri-sama.
- Oh? Long?
- I do not know, Mayuri-sama. "
Mayuri sniffs with contempt.
"I wonder why this kind of response still surprises me. You'd probably be more useful by cleaning in the laboratories.
- My apologies, Mayuri-sama. What should I do with the body?
- They take away both. As apparently they do not disappear, I will perform an autopsy comparable "
It is impossible for him to finish his sentence: one false that dying Espada was still just slightly open his throat, cutting her literally speaking. The energy he felt no need to use to protect themselves-finally avenged a little, just a bit-his Fracción. Mayuri emits a rumbling sinister door and surprise her hands on her neck, her eyes wide open. In shock, he fell to the side, began to frantically searching for a vial in his haori regenerating serum. He did not have the time: in an instant, Nemu is on him, and she fervently applied first aid. His two hands pushing those of his father, and exert pressure on the wound that great unfortunately compresses the airway. The pain, the shock that accompanies vagal injury, hemorrhage and inadequate intake of oxygen prevents the scientist to defend themselves against the care provided by his vice-captain.
Before losing consciousness, he has everything just enough time to feel humiliated by the irony of the situation.
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