[FIC] From Wyoming With Love (True Blood, Pam / OC, PG-13) Partie 1 / 2 Disclaimer: I do not own
True Blood nor the universe by Charlaine Harris but I had fun playing with them.
Blabla author : A fic written for the community
obscur_echange and a prompt
prune_bo that here :
Pam. I love the look "lesbian mega aristocrat" of this character. So I want something rather funny about that attitude. It can be a daily scene, or something longer, which means for example, another female character in the series, or
flashbacks that explores a little Pam in the past, since we did not see I think in the series.
- All other optional details: I do not know if you saw the minisodes recently broadcast on the net with Pam and Eric, but that's really what kind of atmosphere that I exploded. Oh, and it also gives
can do something with the new Veronika Fangtasia dancer. But hey, it's like you feel for other characters, as long as there Pam in this attitude it.
I loved writing this story, I hope you enjoy it as much as me.
Link to Part Two:
here From xxx with love Wyoming.
She did not believe in bad karma. This was just an excuse for modern feel good in abject whimpering and thereby annoy the most people around you. She did not believe, alas it did not mean it did not exist. It was necessary consideration to be eternally beautiful and fabulous.
evidence was sufficient to look at his situation. It was lost somewhere in Wyoming between Thermopolis and Owl Creek, a small country road, at 4 o'clock in the morning and his unfaithful DS had to let go without a sound as an actress of the thirties for falling asleep eternal sleep. And now she had choices to make.
It was winter so the sun would not rise for three solid hours. She could run to its destination and which would ruin his shoes already in disrepair, and his lovely suit, not to mention that this race would inflict his cloak about her hair ... well it was an unacceptable option, which would leave more thirsty. She could use her mobile to call a tow truck, or it could use his phone to tell his Creator all the good she felt about him and his stupid orders.
In addition it was cold!
Okay she no longer felt the cold since she was a vampire, but it was not a reason, everyone knew that these things were psychosomatic, and seeing deer in its delicious boots now to disintegrate in the snow enough to make it shiver all the way and close his fur collar against his skin.
She grabbed her cell phone and despite his desire to insult Eric almost face to face, she simply find the number of a tow truck in Hot Spring County. Afterwards, alas, he only had to wait. Xxx
course abyssus abyssum invocat the wait had been a paradise compared to travel in the tow truck that was leading to what some people dared to call a city. The smell reminded him of his childhood in the Swedish countryside of the sixteenth century, music whose lyrics revolved around alcohol and livestock, a combination that had not changed since the first Greek shepherds, dental hygiene, deplorable and eyes that kept slipping on his forms were enough to make him regret his master and be forced to be mainstream. Add to that the chatter of the village idiot and she wanted to immolate herself as Godric, preferably with as much drama because a diva as she deserved all the melodrama that went with suicide.
frankly what it was it used it has taken centuries to perfect his smile the coldest and most haughty if congenital unable to capture the message she was trying de faire passer ?
— Et vous v’là à Jaynesville.
Elle leva les yeux au ciel. Elle avait beau renier l’existence d’un Dieu elle ne pouvait s’empêcher de tenter parfois de chercher du réconfort, celui de se dire que peut-être la présence d’idiots autour d’elle avait un sens autre que celui que quelqu’un quelque part se marrait à ses dépends.
— Pour vot voiture faudra attendre demain matin que Sam puisse s’en occuper et voir c’qu’y cloche. Si vous voulez j’vous dépose au motel de Randy.
— Laissez-moi deviner, c’est le seul endroit où louer une chambre ?
— Ben ya bien Ma’Connelly who rents a friend of his bed, but it c't'heure the same fire tir'ra no bed.
The problem today was knowing when to be honest about its nature. Before things were so simple, it was enough to lie all the time and kill those who saw in the lie. Simple and effective. But now ...
Should she tell the receptionist that she was a vampire and so she needed her room the least affected by the sun and especially that nobody comes to bother her during the day? Should she hide the truth? If she had misfortune to come across a fanatic she risked his hide to be direct, but if she did not say anything stupid error could also be because of her.
Or she could go bury in the woods. What
totally ruin her wardrobe and plus it would not even imagine the dirt under her fingernails. Really, why had she left the cities where there was at least a hotel specially designed for customers vampire?
- Good evening. I want your room the cleanest and least sunny. I also want to double the key to the door and I can not bear to be disturbed.
She put two tickets on fifty the counter and pushed them to the receptionist.
- It was well understood?
The eyes of the girl ate her face.
- Yes madam.
She had a satisfied smile. It remains for him to rip up the floor, dig the earth and she could sleep in peace. Certainly, it would have to face her fingernails dirty, but at least it would have a shower and a place to leave her clothes and shoes away. Life was a matter of priorities.
She did not like winter, but at least this season had the advantage of giving more freedom. At five o'clock she was already up and in the shower while the last rays of the sun disappeared below the horizon uniformly gray snow. At six o'clock sharp
she entered the garage of the single town that prided itself in large letters to be "Sam's garage." His stilettos dripping snow struck the asphalt in a staccato that does not succeed however to cover the cacophony that reigned in the place.
- You must be the owner of the Citroen convertible.
The voice was low and asked, but definitely feminine. She took her time before turning with a smile on his lips.
- Yes.
The garage was nearly as tall as she, which was rare for a woman, finally, less and less, damn evolution of infant nutrition. Obviously of Indian origin she had tied her hair into a braid as thick as his fist hung carelessly over his shoulder. Despite the cold of the garage doors wide open, his blue work was open to the navel, revealing her black bra and simple copper of her skin.
- It either does not age.
Her smile did not waver, and she was content to take a deep breath, immediately dismissing all the smells of the garage before isolating it from the garage. Grease and sludge, soap perfumed with honeysuckle and musky odor that most characteristic of werewolves. She did not feel other werewolves in the area, so it was definitely not a wolf, or else a solitary, but females are rarely left out of the pack, then another species.
- I am Sam, "said the mechanic in his hand.
- Pam, "she replied, letting his fangs appear briefly.
The firm grip against his hand did not change and the vampire's smile grew. This trip would perhaps not completely unbearable. The hand that encircled his was fine but strong and the fingers slightly rough. She always had something for the small staff and it was not against doing so on the black hood of his car and shiny.
But business before pleasure unfortunately.
- So, what happens there? The garage
absently stroked the cover.
- Engine problem, more precisely, one of the two crankshafts is broken.
Pam passed to the other side of the cover, leaving it as his hands hanging languidly on the body perfect.
- Let me guess, find the replacement part will take longer.
- No, Citroen parts, but it will take five days for them to come from France so far and of course it's going to socket.
- Money is not a problem.
Sam and she watched each other while rotating around the car.
- I understood.
- But I need a car today and I guess you are what most resembles a dealer in this picturesque village.
- Five minutes for ID and your driver's license is all that I need.
Just as she loved the small staff: knowledgeable and pleasant to the eye.
She was back on the road. Finally, for so we could call a dirt road. But the GPS showed him in a voice unbearable she followed the right path and that in turn left it will finally arrive at their destination.
And indeed, the road ceased finally winding to a stop before a large iron gate.
- It's a joke!
Far away on the small hill drew a small manor worthy of the best vampire movies of the 60s, with dark and gothic sculptures of strange and of course the gate creaked carefully.
- That's why I hate old vampires.
They were all crazy and had a taste for the dramatic sense, either Godric and his sudden phase I met Jesus and I walk in sandals, which had led to its loss, or Sgt and his house straight out of Disneyland. Divas of kitsch, Pooh!
The bell covered with cobwebs that she had to ring the bell harmonized perfectly with the rest of the decor and amused to spot a few gravestones lying around a little lower.
- Want? Surely not
it anyway.
huddled in a French maid costume, vinyl her huge breasts visible through the nearly transparent fabric of her blouse polyester, disguised as a teenager trying to pretend to be major, the poor girl had an air of mediocrity almost pathetic. Fortunately for her, Pam was not in empathy or good feelings.
- I just see Dr. Frank N. Furter.
- is not here.
And sometimes asked why she felt superior to mortals!
- I just see Sgt.
- Oh. The master does not receive anyone.
- He will receive me.
She had mandated his sire and Creator, and would not even Sgt Inappropriate Eric.
- No, it does not receive anyone. It receives only Thursday and it's Saturday.
Exactly what she said, they were all stamped and they loved most annoy as many people as possible around them!
say it was not the best of moods was an understatement. On the other hand it was stuck in this hole until next Thursday. And for political reasons vampire who left her decidedly unmoved. What was she remained quietly at the bar to deal with tragedies such as the small delay of beer deliverymen and the minor being taken to bleed by some jerk in the bathroom of the club. She did not even have enough Tru Blood on her to take the week. Besides the fact that this morning she had been forced to take his negative B
cold ... She parked next to the Ford garage and ran toward the motel. She had ras-le-bol of its pumps in trashing the snow.
Damn who would have thought that there could be worse asshole of the world or Shreveport Bontemps! She hated Eric for sending him there, she hated having to Eric moved to America, even with Godric she wanted to have created his sire. If had not at least she would not have to wait five days in this godforsaken hole! In addition it would be necessary that she finds another place to stay. No way to spend several nights with too little protection.
She left her keys and opened the door. She closed it immediately and jumped on the roof. From there it passed over the road, landing silently on the roof of a house. And in a few seconds she found herself on the garage. She went down to the back door and began knocking on unleashing a volley of expletives dirtiest and most fat she knew. She heard movement inside and stopped drumming, listening to the sirens of research. But the night was perfectly calm and quiet.
- Not that I like to have an absolutely beautiful girl wanting to go home, but what do you want me.
The garage door was open but his gun was pointed at her. And she would put her hand to cut the balls were made of silver.
- I need your help.
Sam merely raise an eyebrow but kept his gun pointed right in his forehead.
- I ask you to grant me a favor.
eyes widened and Sam dropped his shotgun.
- Oh yeah so!
- Yes, I know, I often have that effect on people here now is what might pass for this? Sat
placed his rifle beside her.
- Or. Samantha Tara Ceeneeteeyoo me 'I grant you this favor Harper.
one quick movement she cut her palm with one of his nails and held out his bloodied hand across the threshold of the house.
Pam put one knee and bit his hand and not put his blood on his own.
- And on my behalf and that of my Lord, me, Pam Infante Eric and I swear to accept the honor.
- That rage and hatred you continue to mine and put in the ground if you failed to honor it.
- That rage and hatred would chase me and put in the ground if I failed to honor it.
The hand still in hers, Sam took Pam to make it stand up. When they dropped the blood had disappeared and their skin does not keep track of mutilation. Sat stood aside to let her pass.
- I invite you to return. Okay, now I need a coffee.
- And I need a drink Tru Blood but I stayed in the car. And nobody sells in your lovely village in the wilds of Wyoming.
- No, Thermopolis should go up to find, and even a supermarket which is a.
Pam groaned with vexation. Sat advanced into the dark house to the kitchen where she began to make coffee. The vampire took place on one of the chairs and looked at the place a look. Formica, made obsolete, it was back in the 70s and the wrong side of the fence ... she hated the country and even more poverty, it was like an insult to his permanent aesthetic sense. The voice of Sam pulled from those depths of sorrow.
- I'm listening, "she said leaning against the sink, near his coffee almost as old as Godric, peace to its non-core.
- There is a body in my motel room. A man, in his forties, I have not really had time to see. The real problem is that I did not feel anything before pushing the door and see him on my bed. No smell does get to the other side of the door and even inside, yet I am not a young vampire. I need your sense of smell and also your knowledge of local wildlife.
- An idea who could do that?
Pam sighed, leaned against the wall.
- I do not know anyone in your corn. Someone said that it will be a good idea to wear hats in the passing strangers who happens to be a vampire. I am surprised not to have even heard the police sirens.
The best would have been surprised to have it leaning over the corpse, a violent altercation with police and bam, it was good for a chase and a terrible explanation of Wyoming with King and his court and remained bound policy would turn the matter and would be punished to the example and reduce the power base of Eric and it may ultimately be that jerk of Godric: completely morte.
— Pourquoi ne pas te barrer ?
Sam souffla sur sa tasse et releva les yeux pour voir un sourire prédateur jouer sur les lèvres rouges et encore parfaitement maquillées.
— Parce que, chérie, personne ne s’en prend à moi sans en pâtir les conséquences, et laisse-moi te dire que l’imbécile qui a fait ça le regrettera pour le restant de ses jours.
Pam avait préféré passer par les toits, portant Sam sans problème au-dessus du vide. Sans un bruit elles arrivèrent devant la porte.
Pam se concentra mais ne sentit vraiment rien, c’était comme si la pièce devant elle n’existait pas.
- So? Sat
- nothing either. Yet I feel the fried chicken that the guy ate the 16 tonight and he also left open the bottle of rum.
- Magic, just what was missing in my life!
She raised her eyes to heaven briefly and then opened the door. Sat
ran the blinds before that Pam does not close the door. The darkness was an issue for either one or the other.
- Still no odor. I do not know what the killer has used but it's powerful, I can not even smell the corpse is disturbing. Pam took a pair
Gloves her purse and walked toward the body was lying in the middle of the bed. She raised her head to watch the dead.
- Really not my type.
- Damn! It is the Reverend Parsons!
- Neat, if it is found here I'll be able to have my own stake! Oh, how charming! He has two small holes in the jugular.
She plunged her nails into the tiny wound.
- It has a drop of blood in his body.
Sam was on all fours looking under the bed and trying desperately to feel something. She raised her head.
- As if was killed by a vampire?
- Not at all. There are 5 to 6 liters of blood in a human, and no vampire does not drink much, plus it would be tedious. Even when someone bleeds it inevitably remains. Here he did a drop left. Well I opened the femoral artery so that you can check but I think it's best to leave the state.
She took the time to search his pockets hands nothing strange or interesting fact came out, the life of this man seemed as dry as himself.
- Tell me you have something.
Pam opened the curtains and tried to identify if the window was forced. Not even ... She turned with a sigh. All this was terribly disappointing.
Or not. T-shirt and shorts that Sam used as nightgown was laid on a chair instead of the beautiful mechanic was an enormous feline, leopard, white-haired but much longer walking in the nose piece alert. Pam watched her, amused by the beast. The shock of Eric if it was up to Fangtasia with that leash. "You can keep it, say I promise I'll look! Go, say yes! . She regretted that the glamorous really does not work on werewolves or the fact that it is mainstream prohibits keeping a human or a magical beast in a cage. It would be so beautiful as a picture, it could even coordinate outfits just to go out with ...
She was roused from his fantasy by the transformation of Sam What switch to other types of dreams, she thought she gorging the bare flesh and muscular which met his eyes. Unfortunately she had other big fish to fry.
- Nothing except a faint smell that must belong to one that makes the rooms, since it was also present on the other side of the wall.
course, just his lucky day!
- Where can I get rid of the body?
- The best thing would make him take a turn in the river but it is far away.
- Why do I even asked!
Pam opened the window and began to instruct the body on his shoulders.
- I'll come right home. I hope your cellar is well insulated.
Ultimately the situation was not that bad.
She left her cup of hot microwave and left the filthy kitchen formica to win the show a little more relaxing for the eyes already. She settled comfortably into the couch, spreading his long body up advantageous arrangements and delicious bath robe so it reveals just the right amount of skin. She grabbed the remote and began to wait for her hostess obviously chosen to work.
She was listening to the pathetic lament by Richard Kelly had left for Jeremy when his landlady finally pushed the door.
She was not alone. Four men, three people in the prime of life and about sixty years that reeked of magic. She did not move an inch, its installation worked to perfection. She saw him stop
suddenly, brutally aborted their discussion, she felt their eyes upon her passing. The eyes of three young remained fixed on her long legs that emerged from his blue bathrobe night, but she knew immediately when old realized she was a vampire. She sniffed happily instinctive fear that emanated from him before he resumed. Sometimes the simplest pleasures in life were the best.
- Oh, Sam, I'm sorry, I was bored waiting in your room so I went down to enjoy the TV, I hope you do not want me?
She clapped her lashes to greater effect, before move his body in a languorous stretch.
- Make yourself at home, please. Sat
sat on the armrest and put an arm around her shoulders. She played the game and leaned against it.
- You do not introduce me to your guests?
She saw the look of the werewolf fall into the neckline of her dress and bath up slowly.
- Pam, let me introduce John Crow Howling Arapaho shaman who, under the pretext that we have the same ancestors think he is welcome in my house as soon as the situation escaped him and he said that a werewolf would be very helpful to the tribe. John, here Pam Infanta of Eric, my guest.
Pam falls on his best smile full of teeth and shook hands with John.
- Magic.
The old looked at his hand as if she was going to suddenly change into a snake and bite him. Pam shrugged and took the opportunity to put his hand on bare knee jeans covered with Sam
- Tara, we must speak.
- I hear you, John.
- Not at this ... creature!
- Either you speak before you leave be my guest my house, old man, these are my words to listen. Moreover I think that Pam will be very interested in everything. She looked
to contemplate the Shapeshifter. What a strange creature she had found in this remote corner, anyway. The old smoked
ears briefly before taking the chair in front of them.
- As I told you, the tribe is willing to pay for your trouble if you agree to hunt the beast.
- A hunt? The shaman
fulminated the eyes.
- Clearly a beast unknown plagued the Wind River Reservation and the elders have said that we should fight fire with fire.
- That's good, I have always loved hunting with hounds. I am happy to join your little dance, and if I get rid of the beast I know my creator and master will be more than happy that I reported a small favor from you or at least a small present. What do you think?
- Tara!
- Pam seems to have much experience, unlike me. I do not really know what you expect, John, it's not because I am a werewolf that I'll necessarily be good at this stalking thing that even you've been able to identify! As well as conspiring with a beast, you might as well make a pact with another kind of demon, great wizard.
driving. Having a driver had always been pleasant. Of course since they had come to bury Nowhere Louisiana she had to do without, but it was a pleasant habit that did not lose, sit in the car, remove its file and wait until it happens . Oh, how she would return to a time when she was obliged to do everything itself, if it was the fools who had abolished serfdom in his hands it to shred into small pieces.
She cast a glance at the profile of Sam Really well cut the mechanic was a lot of qualities, the first being his taciturn mood. She detested nothing so much as the stupid chatter of inferiors, some humans seem to think that all vampires had only one desire: to monologues for hours as Lestat low-floor and answer their stupid questions. Or worse when they were really interested in their lives dull and boring.
A panel with a charming smile and Indian colorful informed them they were now on the lands of the Wind River Reservation. The landscape beneath the moon had not changed much rather weak, dry and inhospitable, and as many lights and interest than the distant Swedish countryside she was so happy to leave.
The car stopped in the middle of nowhere and she sighed before pushing the door and set foot in deep snow. Boots sank and she thought of this wonderful invention that was the asphalt. Well at least this time it was not that she was ruining his pumps.
- The last murder took place here. Two tourists were camping a little higher. Sat
began to remove his clothes, throwing them inside the car, a lovely blue Chevrolet that goes delightfully with all her peacock had unfortunately left at home. She looked at the werewolf drop his pants and metamorphose. The snow leopard looked at him before starting to run into the mountain. She had a thought of regret for these beautiful horses hunting the Queen of France gave them when they lived in Paris shortly after the Commune and darted in pursuit of the animal.
They had spent the night running, patrolling the area to hunt the beast, but every time traces vanished suddenly as though it had disappeared. The size and depth of Pam had not been no trouble deduct she weighed within one hundred fifty pounds of muscle and was at least two good feet, which did not pass unnoticed. Except that the beast was found and not attacking any of the animals from the corner, no elk carcass being devoured by something other than a puma ... She only attacked humans which she left only a few pieces and then disappeared. That reeked of magic.
And it was too magic a blow for Trouperdu, Wyoming. A dark suspicion began to take shape in his head. The car finally came
in the tiny town and Pam had a thought for clothing, dry, hot and mostly wearable that lay ahead. She was grateful to Sam for having lent him an outfit suitable for a long mop in the woods, but this girl had as much sense dress Eric before he meeting, which was really saying something. Better than razor Bill Compton Sookie or the mouse but still well below his standards.
- Oh Gods!
How could she think for one second that things would be so simple? If it looks like she was listening to Sam to make a 180 and continue driving until they arrive in Louisiana. Well of course she would have died when the sun would rise and pass through the windows of the Chevy small but ...
- Good evening gentlemen, what can we do for you? asked her car down.
The police seemed surprised by a moment her smile before picking.
- We would need you to accompany us to the post ... ma'am.
- I'm afraid it is not possible this evening, officer.
She grew up a notch brightness of his smile.
- In case you did not know vampires tend not to like it and the sun will rise in about thirty minutes and I doubt that you have the necessary equipment to protect myself and since I do not want to cause trouble by dying unfortunately under your protection, I'll have to decline your charming proposal.
- John, Ted, good night. Sat
shut the door on the expression of disbelief that read on the heads of two police officers.
- if she escaped?
- Ted, the winery has only one door and you're left standing in front all day! Pam
stretched, yawning. She did not need to do but it was a habit she never lost, probably because it was pleasant contrast to that of churning butter for hours.
- Hello.
She sent a smile to Sam
- Good evening would be more appropriate.
- The moment I wake up is still worthy of a hello, whatever the hour. If we were to take a nap though, I'll wake you from a very good evening just minutes from sunrise.
- just not to do as the others.
Definitely this girl he liked well, now if she could succeed in getting rid of police, animals, corpses and magicians at liberty to finally make another thing as it would look really nice.
- Hmm ... Miss ...
Norseman - Oh, sorry, you seem to be a reasonable man, tell me at least I have the right to take a shower, I'd be mortified to have to go out in such a state! You know how pretty women, Ted, we can not let others see us without our fireworks.
The policeman thought for a moment the meaning of the sentence before giving permission lip.
- Do I need to call my lawyer?
- No, miss, we just need to ask you some questions about John and Elizabeth Parsons Cooper.
- Who?
- Where were you during the night of Saturday 20?
- I went to see a friend of my boss, unfortunately he did not receive that evening, I'm back and I spent the rest of the night with Sam Do I need to give you more details?
His smile was obscene and she knew it perfectly. She could see in the eyes of the police spend ghostly images of naked women. She heard clearly and swallowing could almost feel his blood down his pants.
- No, no, it will ... And yesterday?
- Sam and I have done some hiking in the woods, I particularly like wilderness, the pale reflection of the moon on the skin, the feeling of being returned to a primitive state
... Just right for the cop's eyes are veiled slightly and chase fantasies few more seconds .
- Of course when we got back you were here so you can confirm the exact time and Sam will confirm the rest.
He did not ask any other question, and somewhat disoriented let her join Sam who had also finished his interview with police.
She waited until the car has passed the city limits to talk.
- So?
- They found the body of the Reverend in the river and above the lifeless body of Elizabeth Cooper was discovered in his garden, stripped of all his blood with two small holes in the neck.
- Wonderful! And what have they shared these good people?
- Nothing. Elizabeth was a nurse before he retired and the Reverend was the pastor of the corner. They knew like everyone else but that's all.
She looked up at the sky. Already two crimes and no common? She had a mad desire to close this bad plot pseudo police and open a good cloth hypersexué about lewd garage.
- Well, it's a tiny village, how can they have nothing in common?
The look that gave him the werewolf was anything but friendly but she was not ready to apologize for simply telling the truth.
- Nothing. Elizabeth was little temple and I do not think the Reverend has ever been in an accident or otherwise. On the other hand I'm not very focused on the gossip anyway. And even in a little town it is possible to keep secrets when they were part of a satanic sect they hid it well.
She said no, preferring to watch through the window the scenery in complete darkness.
Even their supermarkets were tiny. As the radius Tru Blood composing it in all and for all of two six-packs she put in the red basket and screaming foul that was only available at the entrance.
The cashier stared at her, mouth agape.
- Want an autograph with my credit card?
God and Creator of the fool to save those rednecks!
- That's why I hate doing my shopping myself!
Sam smiled before licking jam red dripping from his donut. Decidedly
this pleased him very little. His pair of jeans on the cover of glossy blue Chevrolet was the best effect, but she preferred by far the vision of her bare arms and curved deliciously resting on the car. And then there was this animal magnetism inherent in all werewolves who was not displease him.
There was a time when she could have it. Had she had the strength to tame, to impose its will, it would have belonged. His charming and exquisite pet, so impressive and beautiful in society, deliciously warm against her naked body ... Why had they done their coming out?
- Sam, but what fun!
Another nuisance. Why all the old felt fine at this point in the power of pomade and enamel diamond? And the UV in the middle of nowhere-in-snow! Besides it was more teeth than a monkey at the zoo ...
- Mr. Cromp-Barrett.
- Come on Sam, I have already asked you to call me Dick. The werewolf
remained insensitive to bright white smile and sat up in a position almost aggressive, tense muscles.
- Certainly.
His face was void of emotion but the caller did not seem to feel them.
- And your lovely girlfriend?
- Pam Mr. Cromp-Barrett, M. Cromp-Barrett, Pam presented does with a small hand gesture.
The old beau artificially hauled out his hand, revealing his watch overpriced. She suppressed a growl, it was better not to upset what should be one of the richest and influential men in this backwater. She forced herself to reach out.
And almost immediately withdraw it. She restrained herself, however, and was content to slip quietly into the personal space of Sam
- Nice to meet you, Miss Pam.
- Magic.
The smell was mild but who had already felt unforgettable, earth and rot, the fragrance sickening of the body. Fortunately she was wearing her gloves and the temperature outside could explain its lack of heat. Now it was just that she avoids talking too much so it does not realize it was not fog.
- Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Barrett Cromp-but we need to go. Good
small, it definitely would make an excellent employee.
If she had been human she would have sighed with relief when the car passed the sign indicating the exit of Thermopolis.
- Let me guess. It is the richest man in the region and he has his little mansion family in town or nearby and every time you see it you drag and you can not stop you want to break you as far as possible?
- You draw cards equal or is one of those powers that vampires are not talking about in the newspapers?
- Have you ever noticed the smell of earth on him? Sat
shook his head.
- It's a necromancer. By dint of working with cadavers smell clings to them.
- Why did you tried to hide behind me?
- I preferred to avoid it being aware of what I saw and your smell it made an impression, you were the perfect cover.
- It makes you scared?
- No, but I prefer not to take risks, some necromancers can handle vampires. After all, we're just animated corpses, simply bypass the spirit of the vampire to animate the body in its place.
- Said like that it looks like child's play.
- fortunately not so, there must be a sacred power to block the link and the human body is low then most of these necromancers end up falling asleep at the wrong time or just fade and ... let's just say that their end is anything but fast and without pain.
- And if the necromancer is vampirize?
- Then he lost because a young vampire is forced to obey his Creator.
- It does not keep his powers?
- Yes, but it's very rare, much too dangerous to other vampires. I have met only two and one of viv ...
It was as if the sun had risen in his brain, making the truth glowing like a torch.
Serg ...
They were not descended from the car five minutes they heard the howl of terror. This time Sam's clothes would not survive but she did not seem to pay attention. They arrived like the cavalry, just in time, the panther-garou throwing himself on the beast to keep it from tearing the throat of his victim. Pam cried humans to run and also threw in combat claws out.
Mother Nature did not create this beast here. No need to put his hand to be cut to knowledge, no creature could move with just a few bones and scraps of flesh still on it. And those red eyes allowed you to immediately understand that Hell did exist and that God had anything to do with his time than to hear your prayers desperate.
They is not doing too badly. No, really, Sam was a fucking good hitter and Pam knew what she was worth. The only problem was that we had trouble damaging a pile of bones held together by magic, then certainly she had managed to spray one of its legs but it did not seem to really disturb the Beast, it gave him just a strange limp while bearing down on you all fangs open.
Fortunately for them, after a good thirty minutes of frolicking the beast disappeared. Just like that. One moment she was on Sam trying to break his column and now according ottoman, nothing.
Sam had a change of clothes in the car which was a shame but at least that way they would not be arrested for public indecency. The old shaman
should suffer from insomnia because he was still standing at this time.
- Z'avez seriously need to work your magic defense. I thought that you guys you were all Native Mode guardian of magic and traditions gnangnangnan.
Ok, she had gone a bit much for a first sentence, but what do you, she always had a sharp tongue, was the main reason they had tried to burn it after all. Well, that and the fact that it cut the grants this fucker sheep Thorkel.
- The Beast should not return that night, but both tourists will find it difficult to describe it to authorities. Sat
went live on coffee, she clearly knew the house was like home.
- A beautiful fucking Lich not really what we see on the Discovery Channel even very late at night. Any particular reason why a necromancer would terrorize the reserve?
His esteem for the old man went up a notch when he began to think seriously the question. She hated people who questioned his skills just because it looked like a woman and blonde to boot.
- Our numbers have seriously declined recently and the government is seriously considering reducing the reserve and sell certain lands.
- It's like an episode of Scoobidoo! Decidedly
strongly it breaks this bad show and she returns to her life of desperate but incredibly sexy barmaid in Fangtasia.
- As much as I reveal the end right now, the big bad is not the janitor, but the rich-Cromp Mr. Barrett. Bien sûr la police ne risque pas de l’arrêter pour ça, alors maintenant votre problème c’est de trouver ce que vous allez faire de l’info.
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