Title: fur and slyness
Author / Artist:
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Kurotsuchi Mayuri , Kisuke Urahara
Rating: PG-13 , let's say
Subjects 30, died electrocuted by a pikachu
Disclaimer: Nothing to me, to Kubo Tite
Note: In Japanese , Kurotsuchi means "black earth". If so, CAA interest to know this before reading the text.
The sun hits the Urahara Kisuke sandals flapping on the ground path, and his calls for the wonder tap on the system of his subordinate. Mayuri Kurotsuchi wondered what fly had stung that he agrees to accompany his master division outside a laboratory.
"Look, Mayuri-san, as the flora is diverse! This place is full of unknown species! I'm sure you're happy, deep inside you, for accompanying me on field reconnaissance. "
Mayuri refrains from responding that he is happy despite pre presence of someone who can not remain silent over ten seconds at a time. Not that he wants to save his master, quite the contrary. In truth, it has already done this kind of remarks, and his efforts have resulted in an aggravated logorrhea he is not even certain that she has e ty vindictive. The genius idiot is a hopeless case.
Kisuke does not seem to take offense at the lack of response, he continues his way with good humor, and Mayuri is walking down the backpack and mine grumbles, looking drawn despite himself by the flora mentioned by his master, and it must be said, indeed varied. He hesitates to take samples: these may inevitably Urahara in this benevolent smile he aborrhe. (He aborrhe especially since it causes a sensation at home indefinitely, somewhere between the sternum and diaphragm, and he suspects of being linked to inappropriate production oxytocin. Despite its bad faith, Mayuri can not deny his scientific knowledge about the causes of the peaks of oxytocin.)
The path continues, and everyone sticks to his starting point: a taciturn and sullen side, talkative and jovial on the other, both stubborn. Finally, both researchers agree on an area that seems rich enough to stop by and take samples. The minutes passed, then hours, and specimens of plants and insects accumulate. Mayuri absorbed in his task, so much so that he ends up forgetting to maintain his sullenness. He lost track of time when Kisuke, who is facing him, patting him lightly on the shoulder beckoning him to be silent, then it indicates a point behind him. Slowly he turns his head. Such a creature he has ever seen standing before them, three or four meters.
She is not taller than the craft that still retains Mayuri home in which he taught himself to extract the poison of certain mushrooms as a child. Its fur is shaved, predominantly bright yellow and has ends black or brown. (Mayuri looks for liver chestnut, but at this distance and in the shadow of the foliage, it can hardly be sure.) The creature seems to belong to the class of mammals, and stands on her lower limbs into consideration Rant with both scientific curiosity. Mayuri is interrupted in his observations by a whisper in his ear.
"I have no plans to capture a specimen of this size today, but it is a superb opportunity ... Aaah, Mayuri-san, I should listen to you! "
Mayuri finds, resigned, it shows every sign of a peak of oxytocin, when the breath of his superior touches her cheek. Nothing is more insidious than hormone, "he laments in his heart, and he vows to one day find a way to control his facial temperature. He rejoiced in contrast to long devoid of appendages also unnecessarily sensitive ears, otherwise his embarrassment would not concealable.
At that moment, two things happen in rapid succession. First, its scientific and creative genius that reminds him of his atrial appendages are modified, scalable and prehensile. Immediately after that, the sneaky oxytocin (with the help of a touch of adrenaline) causes an accelerated heart rate accompanied by a contraction of the muscles located s in the peri-oral. Some would call this movement a smile. Mayuri prefers the term triumphant grin. He allows himself a slight sound by which he indicates that he has no need to hardware to capture a specimen larger than an insect. The animal is always watching the two shinigami, and tilts his head sideways.
In a flash, the appendages are freed from the skull of Mayuri and spin to their prey. The ears of the creature are recovering. The appendices are in contact with the fur shaved. The animal raises its forelegs on the ground and then his ears go down backwards, taking a corner which clearly states the offense.
A discharge
DC believes that Mayuri (briefly) to one hundred and seventy amps at least through his brain. Kisuke has a recoil caused by adrenaline. Its rate of oxytocin skyrocketed following the physical closeness with his colleague, experienced a drastic fall. The brain activity of said colleague suffered a similar reduction. The atrial appendages let go when the current ceases to flow and fall to the ground with a soft little noise. The animal power snorts good-naturedly, then bends down to sniff one end charred. He considers it very quickly with a limited interest, turning his back on a scientific mortified, and leaves from trees at a brisk.
Following this incident, the captain of the Twelfth Division Kisuke Urahara is included in the kit required protective environment of a kind unknown fuse capable of absorbing the excess current in a human body. He dubbed his invention "scorched earth".
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