Title: Last Embrace
Author: svetblacklupin
Challenge: # 14 "Death by suicide" and "Embrace" + optional topic "Sex" on
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Remus Lupin
Disclaimer: at some Johanne Kathleen Rowling who is not well known ...
Rating: NC -17 (I hit maybe a little high, but I prefer)
Warnings: slash, sex, suicide
Word Count: 4x100
Note: Harry is a drag it failed to release Buck and therefore Sirius did not escape.
movements of both men are tender and violent at times.
We feel the urgency and desperation that they put in that embrace. The need
almost vital to share this intimate moment.
hands caressing while kisses are possessive.
nails which penetrate deeply into the flesh of his shoulders.
The bodies merging into one another violently for no longer form a single being.
Tears and distress on their faces.
The fear in their eyes.
-Sirius, do not go ...
"I have no choice, Remus.
Remus stays there, prostrate, alone in the room few minutes before, her lover was still present.
The Dementors came looking. The search for
lead to death.
Fudge gave the order to impose the Dementor's kiss.
He did not even have the right of him to say goodbye properly.
They just made love one last time. In the emergency room.
It would be so willing to tell her he loved her, but when the guards of Azkaban came, he no longer had the strength to speak, overwhelmed by grief.
-Sirius ...
He paid until the last tear from his body.
His forces have left.
His mind went off in a place where Sirius is still alive, free and smiling. Happy.
Without him, there is nothing more than an empty shell. If
held up all these years because he believed guilty. But now he knows the truth, he realizes he never stopped loving.
And when Sirius had hugged him in the hut, he had felt finally complete. Alive.
life he no longer is since Sirius is gone.
He no longer wants to be. Without
Sirius, his life is pointless.
Then, he sees only one solution.
final and without appeal.
And it's not like going to regret it, he has no family, no more work, more friends, more of a lover.
hand painfully tight on the dagger he conjured the blade notching his wrists, he thinks to moments of joy shared with Sirius.
-Wait for me.
His eyes close.
One last time.
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