FMA - Frank Archer - # 18.Mort fear
Title: Super Nanny
Author: petite_laitue
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Character: Frank Archer, children, Mustang, Hawkeye, KimBlee, King Bradley, Hakuro
Disclaimer: The universe Fullmetal Alchemist belongs to Hiromu Arakawa all like the characters, except for two or three kids that I added
Rating: PG
Theme: Fear of Death 18
Note: I do not know if it really sticks to the theme but I wanted to do something different. It's a bit too long ...
At the end of the year marked by a want to draw a line under the disastrous events that occurred around ameters, Generalissimo King Bradley decided to make a gesture to try to ease tensions between the army and population. For this purpose he invited the children of Central, especially the military, in a show at HQ and a great meal. It was also decided that small can not be recovered immediately by their parents would be entrusted to an officer who would be responsible for the deal during the afternoon. Ironically, Colonel Frank Archer was appointed to the short straw for this task. For security we decided to give her day KimBlee, alchemist leave a psychopath in the company of a bunch of kids being excited definitely not the best idea we could have, and Archer was alone in having to monitor a dozen brats who seemed delighted than he to this idea. Thus the office of Colonel was temporarily transformed into a nursery.
Frank Archer stood face to kids, showing an air show adamant they do not stoop to tolerate the slightest whim, when a sharp pain across his shin. He turned abruptly and bowed his head toward the insufferable brat who had dared him given kick. Discovering an adorable little girl with two small quilts that fixed a glare, he stared in surprise.
"I can see what you? You
-po I love you!
-Hum ... Ok .. And I know why? And more importantly why it earned me a kick?
-Paske you're a bad man! Then you got stolen work for my dad! Wicked nice po!
-I stole the work of your father?
Yes! My dad has been placed in a box under the earth and you have you stolen his work! It's your fault!
Archer frowned trying to understand the accusations of the girl. Quickly it captures the problem and trying to ignore his boredom before this embarrassing situation, he knelt in front of the child while trying to smile sweetly.
"You would not Elysia Hughes? The daughter of Maes Hughes?
-Si! And my dad is super Lieutenant Colonel Hughes First! Paske is the strongest of all the dads of the whole earth! And you're a naughty naughty po's beautiful dive instead of my dad Paske you were jealous!
"Listen I'm really sorry about what happened to your father, but it's not my fault and I never wanted to steal his place, Archer explained softly, thinking that he had always done this coveted post, but perhaps not that way, especially now that he had to endure the accusing gaze of the girl.
"It is true po! It's your fault wicked! You wanted to work with my dad! You were jealous!
"But not all.
-Si! You wanted instead of my dad! You took his job! And now you want to steal my mom too!
-Huh?! But no! Why I like your mother?
-Paske is the prettiest mom in the whole world! That's what Dad always said! And you want all that was my dad!
"But no! I do not want your mother!
-What? You say my mom is not pretty? " Elysia indignantly, crossing his arms.
-Er ... If she is pretty, for a mom, but that's not why I want her.
"You lie! You'll steal my mom too! As you got stolen the work of my dad! And then you'll put me in a box as you did with my dad! 'Spec monster without a heart! Naughty nice po! "Screamed the girl in her little fists pounding the chest of the military kneeling in front of her while tears streamed down her face.
Archer let her do as the shots were still superficial but when she began to thrash feet while pulling his hair, his self-control deserted him and he violently grabbed his wrist to let go. A shriek of pain the girl stopped attacking his scalp, not without having first wrested a large lock of hair, and bit his teeth into the hand that tormented. Letting out a curse, the man raised his arm in the intention to stick a slap, but his gesture was interrupted by the arrival of Colonel Mustang intervened.
"Hitting a girl! Are not you ashamed Archer?!
-But she started it! This little pest has attacked me for no reason! I tried to calm her but she refuses to listen to me! It is a real fury!
Mustang laid eyes on the girl who was sobbing, pressing against her bruised his wrist before launching a disgusted glance at his colleague while taking Elysia in his arms to comfort her.
"It is a poor kid who has already suffered enough, you could try to understand it.
-Uncle Roy! I want to stay with the bad man! It scares me! Then he gets nasty with Dad!
Your father is dead! How could I be mean to him?! Archer exploded annoyed by the crying of the little girl who redoubled after this remark.
"But it's not true! You do it on purpose or what?!
Not at all! It is she who keeps whining and it annoys me so I do not know what to do and I end up saying stupid things and ... No seriously Mustang, you can not look after these kids? The Flame Alchemist
sighed, casting a glance at the other children who stood at the other end of the room completely paralyzed.
"I am afraid of regret but I have to leave them: my team has a job and it is sure that the Generalissimo has subcontracted.
-But ...
-Stop shouting, give them what they play and stay quiet. It's not that complicated. I take just Elysia, it did not seem to love you. Mind you the others, and avoid abusing them: I am not sure that the Generalissimo would appreciate you lift a hand on his son. "Mustang warned by pointing Selim Bradley.
Archer looked away, the girl in his arms, before turning to the other little ones who stared at him with a terrified look. Noting that none of them seemed to want to move, the man finally shrugged and sat down at his desk trying to work. After a moment, two boys indistinguishable, with blond hair and rather large to middle age, decided to approach their nanny the day.
"Say sir! Say! Elysia why she was crying?
-Because of her father, Archer grunted without giving a glance at the two boys who pulled frantically on his uniform.
Why? He did what his daddy? Huh? Mr. Say?
-It's gone. Now stop talking about it and you find another occupation.
The twins looked at each other for a moment before returning to take on the uniform of Colonel.
-Say sir? " Say!? Sir?
-What is it for? Why did
"I am not wicked.
-Si! Can you rattle too! Tell you why Mr. rales ? Huh? Say?
"I will not complain!
"It's because you're ugly you're bad? Mr. Hein said?
"I'm not" ugly "! If
-Bah! Because you're all white! Say why you're all white? Mr. Hein said?
"Because my skin is like that!
And why is she like that? Mr. Hein said? That's because you're a vampire? Right? Huh, that's it sir?
No, I'm not a vampire!
-Really? So why ...
-You stop with your questions at the con, yes? " Yelled Frank Archer stressed out. The two boys
marked downtime and cautiously retreated to join the other children. They muttered a few words in his ear and Selim Bradley was sent for them to talk to the man sitting in the office.
"Say sir? We can have our tea? Please.
-A snack? Archer asked, raising an eyebrow.
Yes my step-dad said that the Generalissimo would have a snack. Then we will when our taste?
-Er ... That is to say that I do not know.
-WHAT! There's no taste? exclaimed a little red on your horrified.
Why was not to taste? Huh? Why Mr. ? We want our
-taste! Otherwise ze'll tell my dad and my dad is the General Hakuro!
-Ok calm, I will call you to take that one.
-Cool! We can have chocolate? Mr. Hein said there will be chocolate?
Yes, yes ...
And cakes too?
-If you want too, yes.
And the cake?
And ice?
And pancakes? And
And chocolate milk?
"You do not want a mountain covered with caramel candy while you're there? asked the Colonel, looking up to heaven.
-YEAH! "
Frank Archer sighed, wondering internally if all children were wombs on legs and then he dialed the number of stewardship that he brings enough to feed the hungry goblins. Luckily the taste came fairly quickly and the kids were quiet time to eat, leaving the Colonel the opportunity to work quietly while throwing an occasional glance who ate little disgusted with putting the chocolate and crumbs everywhere. Once the sample is complete, they began to run into the office by putting their dirty little hands on the furniture so far flawless. Archer took a deep breath before trying to calm them.
"Hmm ... Good children, Having apparently you are unable to eat properly, I'm going to take you to the bathroom so that you can wash. Then you will gently put you in pairs and follow me quietly, without raising your hands on the walls and above all without touching my uniform. "The boys stared
Colonel with the slight impression that he took them for idiots, then they shrugged their shoulders and bent guidelines. Archer was relieved to see they followed him obediently and did not seek to make any bullshit. So he began to say, this chore will be easier than he had imagined, when small decided embarking on a great battle of water after washing their hands, flooding the entire toilet upstairs. After twenty minutes spent furiously repeating "No! Stop it, it's an order! We do not play with the damn water! "This was a hysterical scream that ended their game, literally petrifying terror. A bout of nerves, the military led them to his office while making them a sermon on their immature behavior. But before he could bring them into the room, the twins went out of range to position themselves before him with an indignant look.
"You do not the right to say we are naughty children dirty and poorly-high!
first-Yeah! Because we are is William Arthur Armstrong and Geoffrey Augustine of the great and majestic Armstrong family whose values are passed from generation to generation and we are very well behaved!
-No kidding? I am delighted to hear that, "growled the Colonel, looking up to heaven. Now you please go gentle into that room and you keep quiet Armstronguement until the end of the afternoon?
-Hey! Make fun of our family values!
-Yeah! Otherwise we'll show you how strong you are!
And to prove their claims, The two boys tore shirts and pants before taking a break to enable them to show off their muscles. Archer struck his forehead.
-I dream! ... Well, repairs and you come home.
-No! We will show everyone the values passed from generation to generation in the Armstrong family!
-Yeah! As Uncle Alex!
-No! We do not run in the corridors in his underwear, Armstrong family or not! Come back here species dirty brat! "Colonel
quickly pushed the other kids in his office before running off in pursuit of the two mini-exhibitionists inwardly cursing the Armstrong family and all its values handed down from generation to generation. After a sprint of about ten minutes, completely out of breath, he managed to catch up and, holding firmly by the arm, promising them a punishment which they could convey the story from generation to generation, he brought in his office. Once there, Archer ran through the room look with a bad feeling. In recounting quickly dear little darlings who entrusted his heart rate accelerated: it lacked a kid, and not whatever.
"Selim Where is Bradley? He did not even when away too?
"Then where is he?
"It is a surprise.
Archer sighed as passing a hand over his face, he was going to scream when a furtive shadow leaps from the closet behind him and landed on his back in a roar of laughter.
-TATATADA! I am the Fullmetal Alchemist! Fear my wrath homunculus!
-AIEUH! But ... What are you doing?! We play
-alchemists: I'm the Fullmetal and the others are my loyal army, then you're the evil homunculus that we must fight. Now I will transmute your hair with my chewing gum.
-WHAT! I forbid you to do that! Get off my back while now! Dirty shit!
Selim Bradley slid to the ground before planting in front of the man crossing his arms, a pout on his face.
-You got no right to call me a "shit" is insubordination. I'll tell my step-dad, and you grow Colonel!
first-Yeah! Then we are going to tell Uncle Alex that you do not want to let us show the beauty of the Armstrong family from generation to generation, and he'll pat his head with his fists super steel! A shiver ran
loin Frank Archer, he gave a grin he tried to hide in a friendly smile and grabbed a pack of sheets on his desk.
"Come children, you will not be as bad? I keep going on paper, make me beautiful and alchemical circles who manage to make the most beautiful drawing will win a package of candy. Fullmetal's favorite candy. It's okay? "The kids are
concerted gaze before taking sheets and pencils with a shrug. Archer's comments get to work before moving to his office hoping that we come to more quickly get rid of these mini-master singers. While everyone seemed to have calmed down and that children apply to their best doodles, one knocked gently at the door. The Colonel raised his head quickly to his records, hoping they had to tell him that his job as a babysitter was over. But it was Lieutenant Hawkeye who entered the room to ask him to bring the back on past events that took place at HQ South. Archer turned frantically all these papers on his desk before you take a look at the kids busy drawing. With a grunt embarrassed, so he rushed to pull out their leaves hands before the tender to Hawkeye who gave him a suspicious look.
"Sorry, Here ... Hmm ...
-Hey! We did not finish!
Why you give our drawings to the lady? Their
-drawings? asked the lieutenant before returning to watch the leaves scribbles made by children. You're allowed to draw on documents that we are supposed to transmit to the Generalissimo?
-Listen I'm sorry I never got realized: they wanted their leaves and I've spent the first thing that came into my hand. It's not my fault, they spend their time whining and running around is very stressful.
-course ... And what do I do with it? Hawkeye said by exhibiting a beautiful smiling sun scrawled just below the word "confidential" paper she held in her hand.
"I do not know, although you will find an explanation. Just say it decorates. And maybe the generalissimo appreciated, after all it's drawings of his son, right? Then frankly seen reports that Mustang makes ... I remember once there was even drawings in the margin, a kind of dog I think. "
Before the Lieutenant could answer, a girl came running to cling to her pants. Hawkeye hand through the hair of the girl who seemed not to want release. Elysia Hughes gauge then the Colonel who gaze fixed to a bored and then all of a sudden she ran in her direction, he collabo a big kick in the calf and ran off to hide behind Lt. .
"AIEUH! But have ...
Archer marked a pause in noticing the frown of the young woman, and especially the tension of his hand on the butt of the gun that accompanied his change of expression.
-... SOE! It hurts ... sea aboard!
"I advise you not to lay a hand on this child Colonel Hawkeye warned sketch on seeing a movement toward the little girl who clung to his leg.
-Sure, and why do not you turn back to make sure that dear Mustang fills his files? Archer grunted without letting go of the girl eyes. Plus I'm sure he would love to take care of this dirty little Wed .. watch!
"Well, I leave you retype these documents. And this time it's not worth asking children to make new illustrations. Elysia you come? "
Archer observed away from a black eye, before gathering her papers to retype the whole report. This story child care began to seriously slap him on the nerves. Seeing that they were not allowed to draw, small gathered around his office.
"Sir? Sir? Uh ... Colonel sir?
-On does what we do now?
-What you want. Because of your bullshit I have twice more work.
-But you ...
-Oh pity the farm! Go play there! Archer growled before adding below: dirty brat, I hate kids! "
children opened their mouths to protest before they finally give up on seeing the icy stare that launched their Colonel. So they moved to another across the room to play quietly, at least from their point of view. From the perspective of Frank Archer and their little squeaks laughter was an unbearable torture. It got worse when they decided to sing nursery rhymes. He spent fifteen minutes to repeat endlessly that he was above it all and should remain undisturbed, after all he was known for his composure. Even KimBlee could not put it out of him. Mustang either. It was the strongest and it was not these brats that would make him mad. He was not afraid of them, probably not. Finally he exploded:
"Fishing for mussels mussels mussels! I do not want to go Mom! The bad dreams mothers mother took my mom shopping cart! The ugly chimeric parent mother took my mom shopping cart!
Small stared with the eyes wide with amazement and then their lips began to tremble and they burst into tears all at once.
-You 're mézant! ! Ze'll tell Dad! Then he'll hit you and za zera serves you right! MEZANT! First ze udders want my mommy! MAMAAAAAAN! We want
-Uncle Alex!
-villain is not nice gentleman! Heymans my uncle was right!
"I'll tell everything step-dad and he will punish you! You'll regain troufion! Then I'll go get my bodyguards, I tell them did you tried to hurt me and they'll stick you a beating!
-Yeah! Alex and Uncle too! He'll put a pair of slaps with a technique handed down from generation to generation in the Armstrong family!
"I want to go with the man who makes his flames because it looks nice and it's cute, even if dad says he's a slacker.
But you have not nearly done whining?! You can not stay good?! Archer yelled before turning to one of the kids in particular. Then he will stop calling his mother? " -You yell
not on my little brother! When the gentleman who made the flames going back and I'll tell him ...
-Yeah, yeah ... The gentleman who made flame is nice, then he is cute, then it is funny and gnagnagna ... Since you have so much air to appreciate why you did not marry? I'm sure your father would be thrilled! Dirty little monsters!
"You stop being nasty to us! My step-dad asked you to look after us then obey!
"I'm not supposed to obey the orders of a bunch of kids whining! I am Colonel, it's me who gives the orders here!
-Maybe you can give orders to your men, but you must obey the highest ranking, and my step-dad is the generalissimo So if he says you have to play with us playing with us, and without discuss otherwise, it's insubordination and you will be punished!
Frank Archer clenched fists while holding to answer aloud happily that "step-dad" was Generalissimo otherwise it would for a moment that this dirty little shit would have ended up embedded in the wall. Then, after enumerating all mentally swear he knew, he asked with a sigh of exasperation what they wanted. Selim Bradley threw a dark look before crossing his arms to declare a voice wanting authoritarian
"We will sing the song of the clown and you sing with us, otherwise we scribble all your files and the Lady with the pistols will scold you. Are you ready? Come Together: I
a big red nose.
Two strokes under the eyes.
A hat that moves.
A mischievous. Two major
A large pants.
And when it itches.
I jump to the ceiling!
-That you're happy?
-No! You have not made the gestures! They should also do: first you put your finger on your nose and then ...
Yes I saw it's good!
"Then we start again and you make gestures. "
Colonel looked up to heaven before complying with their requirements while praying inside that person enters the office to find out in a situation as ridiculous. After twenty minutes of posturing to the sound of enthusiastic squeals of little monsters, the children took the view that enough was enough and decided to change the song by giving them the right babysitter to sit at his desk. To his delight, when they began a new song about a chicken pecking on a wall of hard bread and spikes and pecked the hen went. Whereupon they told him the incredible story in music of the alchemist whose house was on board with strength "Pirouette peanuts."
Frank Archer was a military hardened: he was prepared to face any war, to bear any injury to face any problem. Yet while the child is ready for the sixth consecutive "It Is a small world after all", he began to say that the army had not prepared at all the tortures that it was possible to impose a man. Then when they decided to sing with their falsetto this song a seventh time, he thought seriously to seek counseling by the end of the day. Two minutes later, out of nerves, suddenly he opened the drawer of his desk where row was his service weapon. But before he could decide whether to pull the kids or him, they stopped singing and the twins Armstrong approached him to catch his uniform with their little hands clammy.
"Say sir, we're tired of singing.
-We play a game? Eh, tell Mr. you can play a game? With you?
Archer sighed, he would never be freed these dirty kids. He cast a desperate glance at his gun when a wonderful idea crossed his mind. You are right
children: let's play a game! We'll all play hide and seek!
-In your office? But there are not enough hiding places.
"That's why you go out to hide elsewhere.
"But it was not right away, you must monitor.
-Do not worry: as long as you stay in the HQ there will be no problem. Now all you'll quickly hide, I count to a hundred. And especially you hide away for good and not that I'll be back.
-Ok! "
Frank Archer crossed arms on his desk and put his head inside, then he began to count slowly. The children exchanged looks before going off into the hallway to find a hiding place. When he was sure they were all gone, the Colonel raised his head with a smile. He was finally rid of those horrible little brat! Happily enjoying the calm returned, he sat back comfortably in his chair and closed his eyes to relax. Suddenly footsteps were heard in the hallway and when Archer opened his eyes, he saw with horror the door handle move slowly. With a yelp of terror, he dived under his desk. Penetrating in the room, found his superior KimBlee squatting, half hidden behind the table. He approached quietly and leaned over the vanity.
-AAAAAAAH! KimBlee! You're sick?! I almost had a heart attack!
"I see it. And I know what you doing stashed behind your desk?
"It is clear, however: I'm hiding so they do not find me!
-Ok ... Alchemist joints starting to worry about the mental health of Colonel.
"They ... they are gone?
-The little monsters! KimBlee never leave me alone with of these watches! It was horrible! They eat chocolate by putting everywhere! And they run everywhere! And they climb on the furniture! And they squeak! And they cry! And they type! And they bite! And worst of all: they sing!
-Do not worry too much? These are just brats after all.
-No I am not exaggerating: they are monsters! Horrible singing and screaming little monsters who spend their time binge and complain! I never want to see a single kid in my entire life! Neutral-
you change your mind when you dad.
-EVER! I would never have children! I swear to shoot every woman saying bring my child! Then I drown the baby! Twice! To be sure.
-If it can reassure you that I think no woman will ever be the mother of your children, "said the alchemist on a false note by asking a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
-KimBlee You really think? It's the nicest thing that I was called today. You can not imagine how I suffered this afternoon, I almost died a dozen times. A little more and I pulled a bullet in the head. "Before
KimBlee can make any remark on this quite rational fear towards the offspring of the army, the door opened again and King Bradley with his secretary and General Hakuro entered the room.
"Colonel Archer, we found the children wandering in the corridors.
-Really? They had to go play outside my office ... Archer began to stammer, casting anxious glances in the back of the newcomers to make sure no monster in shorts only lurked behind them.
-Indeed. They have also said you were not very good at playing hide and seek: you have succeeded in finding none, declared the Generalissimo, laughing.
-Bah ... It's your kids that they are strong, real geniuses. They are not with you?
-Their mothers returned the look, it was time for them to go home.
"It is fantastic! Archer exclaimed with tears in his eyes.
-Say, I do not think you would watch the children as happy, surprised Hakuro.
"Besides like that went well, I think we could repeat this experience," added King Bradley with a beaming smile. What do you Archer? "At these words
Colonel panic felt his heart in his chest while he carried his hand to his chest, starting to sweat profusely, his legs gave way making drop sharply on the ground where he remained unconscious.
"Archer? Got a problem? Colonel?
-must excuse him, began to explain to KimBlee blandly. It is the prospect of dealing again your charming toddlers that causes excessive excitement.
"I do not think so sensitive.
-C is that it hides his game You should offer him to babysit every weekend, she will be very pleased. I'm sure his heart would explode with joy at the idea. "
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
What To Write In A Card For Best Friends Wedding
FMA - Frank Archer - # 21.Mort Mountain
Title: Up high on the mountain
Author: small lettuce
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Frank Archer , KimBlee, poor innocent soldiers stuck with them and Olivia Armstrong and his men.
Disclaimer: Everything is Hiromu Arakawa, too bad for me and good for Archer
Rating: PG-13
Subjects 21. Death Mountain
Note: I mix happily 1 anime and manga, but Frank and Olivia are made for each other ^ ^
Contemplating the pristine expanse he had before him, Colonel Frank Archer sighed. He had been in command a new battalion in ordering him to take him to the fortress on the border Briggs Drachma. Recess in the mountain range where everything looked like it had been lost and they did it for hours they wandered in the snow with nowhere to go. Addressing his gaze to the coldest stretch of desert in front of him, Archer decided he hated this place deeply. He had never believed in Hell but now he was convinced that if ever there was hell there must be like this place. An immense expanse, barren and icy white. Then he cursed for the umpteenth time his superiors that he had entrusted this mission and these inhospitable mountains, came KimBlee tap him on the shoulder.
"It freezes the balls! Then bored too! Where's your fucking fortress?
"I do not know KimBlee! Now stop complaining, you're worse than a kid! Archer paused to fix a point in the back of the Crimson before adding in an annoyed grunt: Speaking of kids ... "
Colonel gave the alchemist to approach his men who had gathered a few yards away and laughing by sending each other above the snow. Archer avoided a snowball thrown by an awkward young soldier stopped and crossed his arms in front of the group suddenly became silent.
"Are you okay? Well you have fun?
Hmm ... Excuse us, Colonel, but for most of us this is the first time we see snow so ...
-Well yes I understand, Archer said blandly, interrupting the sergeant who had spoken to justify their behavior. It's true we do not see this every day. Then it's so fun to play in the snow.
-Yeah ... Then after this long journey that's good to relax a little.
-Absolutely! You know what? Should build a fort with dead branches, then we would embark on a great battle with snowballs. It would be fun, do not you think?
-Uh ... probably ...
-Then after we would make a picnic and we laugh together by roasting marshmallows around a large campfire. At least we organized a competition for the best snowman? They are all full with our cute jackets uniforms ... Colonel
fixed his men with a beaming smile for about ten seconds before the features of his face resumed its severe expression.
"Now you stop your crap and you stand properly. You think you're on vacation with your kids may be ?
-Sorry but ...
-Shut up! I warn you that the next time I take to the evil will end up wearing all the equipment until it arrives. And if that does not make you be quiet, I will ask KimBlee keep an eye on you. Is that clear? The soldiers nodded in
swallowing while Archer glared at them. He turned to one of the men.
"It is you who have the card? Yes
-Colonel ...
-That is what you expect me to go?
-Excuse me Colonel. The Colonel here. "
Archer took the card without a thank you for your soldier, and after they have sent a last look reproachful, he headed KimBlee who observed the scene from afar.
"There's no denying it is surrounded!
"I'm sure this has been done on purpose: I am starting to collect a lot of information on suspicious activities of Fullmetal and coincidentally at that time was reported to HQ that there are problems with Briggs. Of course, as Armstrong is under my orders and that B is headed by another member of the Armstrong family is being sent me handle it. Strangely Armstrong has a family that holds them unable to Central battery at the same time. I do not think not be paranoid, but I feel the light that this is a ploy to get away. So that tells me more of a battalion can not totally immature does not surprise me.
-Yeah ... And you know what it looks like the other famous son of the glorious Armstrong family?
-What it looks like you're saying.
"It's a woman? KimBlee asked, raising an eyebrow.
Yes. Major General Olivia Armstrong. I have absolutely no idea what it might look like. All I know is that it is more graded than me and she hates Mustang. It also seems that it is insensitive and brutal, some general nicknamed "The Ice Queen."
-Humhum ... Insensitive, powerful and hating Mustang ... Could it be that we have found the woman in your life?
-KimBlee ...
-What? The Scarlet smiled mockingly, adding: It does not please you to be the brother of our dear Alex, to come live in this charming little corner of paradise covered with snow and raising a slew of delightful toddlers to whom you could teach the values passed from generation to generation?
-KimBlee ... Archer growled, pinching the bridge of the nose. I'm supposed to lead a bunch of morons who just completed their training, I'm tired, we are lost in the middle of a desert of ice, it's been hours since we walk, it's freezing cold and my socks are soaked more! While not care me alone with your bullshit!
-Boarf ... If we can not even joking to lighten the mood ...
-Keep it up and I will definitely extend a bullet in the head! I'm sick of this shit! I want my HQ in the south where the temperature is decent and there is not a single trace of this bloody snow! "
Before the alchemist could say a word to calm his superior, a snowball flew up and landed them in the hair of the Scarlet. Both men turned in one movement to lay eyes on the group of soldiers stood still instantly. Archer shook his fists in advancing one step in their direction but KimBlee and interrupted him and gestured that he undertook. Walking slowly towards the troop of soldiers, the alchemist tried to identify the snowball launcher. He quickly spotted trying to hide among his comrades and walked toward him with a smile of predator. The man recoiled before skidding on a patch of ice and landed hard on the buttocks. When he looked up it was KimBlee staring to see the clasping fingers to his mouth.
"What Colonel said about snowballs?
... sorry ... "I was not sure that I was aiming for ... I swear!
-That is not the issue. We said no snowballs and you knowingly disobeyed this order, so you must be punished.
"But ... I ... sorry ... I'll ... I'll carry the bags ... not worth getting agitated ... I do it again, I promise!
"It's good, you realize your mistake. But I think a more severe punishment will serve as an example to your classmates. "
Just finished his sentence, KimBlee clapped his hands before putting them on the man who burst into a loud explosion. With an ecstatic smile at the beauty of this explosion, the alchemist looked at the blood dripping on the floor until now immaculate. The crimson blood contrasted so well with the perfect whiteness of snow he gasped. He had never thought of the mountain could conceal such beauties. All his dreams, KimBlee would no longer pay any attention to men who surrounded him and Archer had to shake him he finally deigns to look.
"Are you nuts?" What took you to blow this fool ?!
"It's good, it's not as if this was the first time you see me do this kind of thing.
-You could hold you back, at least this time!
"I do not see why it was the most effective way to calm them. And it's so beautiful that blood on the snow ... Did you see?
KimBlee Yes I saw! There's snow everywhere! And it is precisely because of this snow that you do not create a blast! Before the bewildered look
its Alchemist Archer sighed in despair before resuming raising his voice.
-On is where there KimBlee?
-On is lost.
Yes, but ... We lost where exactly?! In the mountains
-Exactly, in the mountains! And what there is all around us!
-Snow. Yes
bravo! Snow! And now attention, extremely complicated question: what happens when he makes too much noise in the snowy mountains?!
-Hum ... There is an avalanche risk I would say.
-NO! DERRIÈRE Y A UNE AVALANCHE ! » beugla Kimblee en désignant le déluge de neige qui se dirigeait dans leur direction derrière le dos d'Archer.
Le Colonel fit volte face pour assister d'un air totalement abasourdi au phénomène qui se déroulait sous ses yeux tandis que ses hommes s'enfuyaient en poussant des hurlements. L'alchimiste attrapa son supérieur par le bras et ils se mirent à courir côte à côte en tentant de rattraper les soldats qui leur avaient faussé compagnie. Malheureusement l'avalanche avait pris une telle ampleur qu'il leur fut impossible d'y échapper et le bataillon d'Archer fut rapidement enseveli sous une importante couche de neige.
In a gloomy room of the fortress Briggs, men bustled around thirty bodies which were found about ten miles from the fort after an avalanche. The room doors opened abruptly on count relentless here. Major General Olivier Milla Armstrong, blond warrior as majestic as severe, entered the room without giving a glance at the body that was gathered. She advanced to the men who interrupted their work to greet them respectfully higher.
"Have you finished collecting all the bodies?
-general practice six were found twenty minutes ago. Buccaneer will soon be back with the unit responsible for the return.
-Excellent. Now can someone explain to me what made these soldiers wandering in a blizzard near the border? This is the battalion that was supposed to be sent to reinforce us? Pitiful. What a ridiculous idea to send Briggs men who can not even manage to reach to the fort.
-According to the personal effects of such men, it seems indeed that they should come and give us a hand. We can say that it is a mess.
-May-important Olivia mumbled a disinterested voice. They were too weak to survive here, we therefore they were useless. But I would like to know who is responsible for this debacle.
-We found two officers among the dead, said an officer to look ishbale motioning him to join him near a table. He lifted the cloth that covered the two bodies lying side by side and pointed to the General Armstrong. Here Colonel Frank Archer, who led the battalion. And there you have Lieutenant Colonel KimBlee Zolf, a State Alchemist I think he has transmutation circles tattooed on his hands.
Magnificent! Thirty soldiers died with additional officers and an alchemist in the lot: that we will attract the good graces of Central, the young woman growled.
-On could not find an avalanche to be triggered simultaneously. We are not responsible.
-Although the avalanche did not seem natural, "murmured one of the men.
-Hum ... Some of us we heard an explosion before the avalanche is triggered.
"I have never ordered explosion.
-We know. In fact it seems that the explosion occurred near their unit during the avalanche. So-
pour résumer : les soldats envoyés pour nous seconder sont tous morts parce qu'ils s'amusent à faire sauter je ne sais quoi en pleine montagne ?
-Parfait, les choses sont donc claires : ces hommes étaient des incapables et ils sont morts à cause de leur stupidité. J'informerai Central de ce qui s'est passé. La situation est close, déclara Olivia en faisant demi-tour.
-Général ! l'interpela Miles en désignant une petite enveloppe posée sur une table. Nous avons trouvé cette lettre de votre frère dans la veste du Colonel Archer,. Il semblerait qu'elle vous soit adressée.
-Une lettre d'Alex ? Faites moi voir cela. »
Olivia Armstrong reached out to Major and took the envelope sealed with a seal bearing the arms of his family. She watched a moment of cautious air, seeming to hesitate between tear or read the missive, before finally deciding to open it with a bored shrug. After quickly through the letter, she raised her head, leaving out a small laugh contemptuously.
"Imagine you my dear brother asks us to take good care of our guests and make sure they stay here as long as possible. "
Miles sketched a face by observing body gathered in the room before turning his eyes toward Olivia Armstrong.
"The least we can say is that they are more likely to give us the slip now. "Here
Title: Up high on the mountain
Author: small lettuce
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Frank Archer , KimBlee, poor innocent soldiers stuck with them and Olivia Armstrong and his men.
Disclaimer: Everything is Hiromu Arakawa, too bad for me and good for Archer
Rating: PG-13
Subjects 21. Death Mountain
Note: I mix happily 1 anime and manga, but Frank and Olivia are made for each other ^ ^
Contemplating the pristine expanse he had before him, Colonel Frank Archer sighed. He had been in command a new battalion in ordering him to take him to the fortress on the border Briggs Drachma. Recess in the mountain range where everything looked like it had been lost and they did it for hours they wandered in the snow with nowhere to go. Addressing his gaze to the coldest stretch of desert in front of him, Archer decided he hated this place deeply. He had never believed in Hell but now he was convinced that if ever there was hell there must be like this place. An immense expanse, barren and icy white. Then he cursed for the umpteenth time his superiors that he had entrusted this mission and these inhospitable mountains, came KimBlee tap him on the shoulder.
"It freezes the balls! Then bored too! Where's your fucking fortress?
"I do not know KimBlee! Now stop complaining, you're worse than a kid! Archer paused to fix a point in the back of the Crimson before adding in an annoyed grunt: Speaking of kids ... "
Colonel gave the alchemist to approach his men who had gathered a few yards away and laughing by sending each other above the snow. Archer avoided a snowball thrown by an awkward young soldier stopped and crossed his arms in front of the group suddenly became silent.
"Are you okay? Well you have fun?
Hmm ... Excuse us, Colonel, but for most of us this is the first time we see snow so ...
-Well yes I understand, Archer said blandly, interrupting the sergeant who had spoken to justify their behavior. It's true we do not see this every day. Then it's so fun to play in the snow.
-Yeah ... Then after this long journey that's good to relax a little.
-Absolutely! You know what? Should build a fort with dead branches, then we would embark on a great battle with snowballs. It would be fun, do not you think?
-Uh ... probably ...
-Then after we would make a picnic and we laugh together by roasting marshmallows around a large campfire. At least we organized a competition for the best snowman? They are all full with our cute jackets uniforms ... Colonel
fixed his men with a beaming smile for about ten seconds before the features of his face resumed its severe expression.
"Now you stop your crap and you stand properly. You think you're on vacation with your kids may be ?
-Sorry but ...
-Shut up! I warn you that the next time I take to the evil will end up wearing all the equipment until it arrives. And if that does not make you be quiet, I will ask KimBlee keep an eye on you. Is that clear? The soldiers nodded in
swallowing while Archer glared at them. He turned to one of the men.
"It is you who have the card? Yes
-Colonel ...
-That is what you expect me to go?
-Excuse me Colonel. The Colonel here. "
Archer took the card without a thank you for your soldier, and after they have sent a last look reproachful, he headed KimBlee who observed the scene from afar.
"There's no denying it is surrounded!
"I'm sure this has been done on purpose: I am starting to collect a lot of information on suspicious activities of Fullmetal and coincidentally at that time was reported to HQ that there are problems with Briggs. Of course, as Armstrong is under my orders and that B is headed by another member of the Armstrong family is being sent me handle it. Strangely Armstrong has a family that holds them unable to Central battery at the same time. I do not think not be paranoid, but I feel the light that this is a ploy to get away. So that tells me more of a battalion can not totally immature does not surprise me.
-Yeah ... And you know what it looks like the other famous son of the glorious Armstrong family?
-What it looks like you're saying.
"It's a woman? KimBlee asked, raising an eyebrow.
Yes. Major General Olivia Armstrong. I have absolutely no idea what it might look like. All I know is that it is more graded than me and she hates Mustang. It also seems that it is insensitive and brutal, some general nicknamed "The Ice Queen."
-Humhum ... Insensitive, powerful and hating Mustang ... Could it be that we have found the woman in your life?
-KimBlee ...
-What? The Scarlet smiled mockingly, adding: It does not please you to be the brother of our dear Alex, to come live in this charming little corner of paradise covered with snow and raising a slew of delightful toddlers to whom you could teach the values passed from generation to generation?
-KimBlee ... Archer growled, pinching the bridge of the nose. I'm supposed to lead a bunch of morons who just completed their training, I'm tired, we are lost in the middle of a desert of ice, it's been hours since we walk, it's freezing cold and my socks are soaked more! While not care me alone with your bullshit!
-Boarf ... If we can not even joking to lighten the mood ...
-Keep it up and I will definitely extend a bullet in the head! I'm sick of this shit! I want my HQ in the south where the temperature is decent and there is not a single trace of this bloody snow! "
Before the alchemist could say a word to calm his superior, a snowball flew up and landed them in the hair of the Scarlet. Both men turned in one movement to lay eyes on the group of soldiers stood still instantly. Archer shook his fists in advancing one step in their direction but KimBlee and interrupted him and gestured that he undertook. Walking slowly towards the troop of soldiers, the alchemist tried to identify the snowball launcher. He quickly spotted trying to hide among his comrades and walked toward him with a smile of predator. The man recoiled before skidding on a patch of ice and landed hard on the buttocks. When he looked up it was KimBlee staring to see the clasping fingers to his mouth.
"What Colonel said about snowballs?
... sorry ... "I was not sure that I was aiming for ... I swear!
-That is not the issue. We said no snowballs and you knowingly disobeyed this order, so you must be punished.
"But ... I ... sorry ... I'll ... I'll carry the bags ... not worth getting agitated ... I do it again, I promise!
"It's good, you realize your mistake. But I think a more severe punishment will serve as an example to your classmates. "
Just finished his sentence, KimBlee clapped his hands before putting them on the man who burst into a loud explosion. With an ecstatic smile at the beauty of this explosion, the alchemist looked at the blood dripping on the floor until now immaculate. The crimson blood contrasted so well with the perfect whiteness of snow he gasped. He had never thought of the mountain could conceal such beauties. All his dreams, KimBlee would no longer pay any attention to men who surrounded him and Archer had to shake him he finally deigns to look.
"Are you nuts?" What took you to blow this fool ?!
"It's good, it's not as if this was the first time you see me do this kind of thing.
-You could hold you back, at least this time!
"I do not see why it was the most effective way to calm them. And it's so beautiful that blood on the snow ... Did you see?
KimBlee Yes I saw! There's snow everywhere! And it is precisely because of this snow that you do not create a blast! Before the bewildered look
its Alchemist Archer sighed in despair before resuming raising his voice.
-On is where there KimBlee?
-On is lost.
Yes, but ... We lost where exactly?! In the mountains
-Exactly, in the mountains! And what there is all around us!
-Snow. Yes
bravo! Snow! And now attention, extremely complicated question: what happens when he makes too much noise in the snowy mountains?!
-Hum ... There is an avalanche risk I would say.
-NO! DERRIÈRE Y A UNE AVALANCHE ! » beugla Kimblee en désignant le déluge de neige qui se dirigeait dans leur direction derrière le dos d'Archer.
Le Colonel fit volte face pour assister d'un air totalement abasourdi au phénomène qui se déroulait sous ses yeux tandis que ses hommes s'enfuyaient en poussant des hurlements. L'alchimiste attrapa son supérieur par le bras et ils se mirent à courir côte à côte en tentant de rattraper les soldats qui leur avaient faussé compagnie. Malheureusement l'avalanche avait pris une telle ampleur qu'il leur fut impossible d'y échapper et le bataillon d'Archer fut rapidement enseveli sous une importante couche de neige.
In a gloomy room of the fortress Briggs, men bustled around thirty bodies which were found about ten miles from the fort after an avalanche. The room doors opened abruptly on count relentless here. Major General Olivier Milla Armstrong, blond warrior as majestic as severe, entered the room without giving a glance at the body that was gathered. She advanced to the men who interrupted their work to greet them respectfully higher.
"Have you finished collecting all the bodies?
-general practice six were found twenty minutes ago. Buccaneer will soon be back with the unit responsible for the return.
-Excellent. Now can someone explain to me what made these soldiers wandering in a blizzard near the border? This is the battalion that was supposed to be sent to reinforce us? Pitiful. What a ridiculous idea to send Briggs men who can not even manage to reach to the fort.
-According to the personal effects of such men, it seems indeed that they should come and give us a hand. We can say that it is a mess.
-May-important Olivia mumbled a disinterested voice. They were too weak to survive here, we therefore they were useless. But I would like to know who is responsible for this debacle.
-We found two officers among the dead, said an officer to look ishbale motioning him to join him near a table. He lifted the cloth that covered the two bodies lying side by side and pointed to the General Armstrong. Here Colonel Frank Archer, who led the battalion. And there you have Lieutenant Colonel KimBlee Zolf, a State Alchemist I think he has transmutation circles tattooed on his hands.
Magnificent! Thirty soldiers died with additional officers and an alchemist in the lot: that we will attract the good graces of Central, the young woman growled.
-On could not find an avalanche to be triggered simultaneously. We are not responsible.
-Although the avalanche did not seem natural, "murmured one of the men.
-Hum ... Some of us we heard an explosion before the avalanche is triggered.
"I have never ordered explosion.
-We know. In fact it seems that the explosion occurred near their unit during the avalanche. So-
pour résumer : les soldats envoyés pour nous seconder sont tous morts parce qu'ils s'amusent à faire sauter je ne sais quoi en pleine montagne ?
-Parfait, les choses sont donc claires : ces hommes étaient des incapables et ils sont morts à cause de leur stupidité. J'informerai Central de ce qui s'est passé. La situation est close, déclara Olivia en faisant demi-tour.
-Général ! l'interpela Miles en désignant une petite enveloppe posée sur une table. Nous avons trouvé cette lettre de votre frère dans la veste du Colonel Archer,. Il semblerait qu'elle vous soit adressée.
-Une lettre d'Alex ? Faites moi voir cela. »
Olivia Armstrong reached out to Major and took the envelope sealed with a seal bearing the arms of his family. She watched a moment of cautious air, seeming to hesitate between tear or read the missive, before finally deciding to open it with a bored shrug. After quickly through the letter, she raised her head, leaving out a small laugh contemptuously.
"Imagine you my dear brother asks us to take good care of our guests and make sure they stay here as long as possible. "
Miles sketched a face by observing body gathered in the room before turning his eyes toward Olivia Armstrong.
"The least we can say is that they are more likely to give us the slip now. "Here
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Eagle Sports Metal Cores
[mod] reminders
soon be winter, wind, rain, cold, dead season, and as every three months, reminders for late ...
deleted Claims: (more news for over a year)
edanight : Cain Hargreaves (Count Cain / God Child)
darshion : Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Do not come forward over
3 months:
lewis_chamallow : Rose (FMA) - June 28, 2009 upd
lilou_black : Uchiha Sasuke (Naruto) - June 6, 2009 upd continues
para_nightwish : Harry Potter (HP) - June 2
6 months:
dinou Pete Shanahan (Stargate SG-1) - March 5, 2009 upd
year: and risk striking out the claim if I have no new
within a month
doccarabine : Carlotta (The Phantom of the Opera) - return September 2, 2008
soon be winter, wind, rain, cold, dead season, and as every three months, reminders for late ...
deleted Claims: (more news for over a year)
Do not come forward over
3 months:
6 months:
year: and risk striking out the claim if I have no new
within a month
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Installing Vms-004 Microscope
Harry Potter - Remus Lupin - # 11 Killed in action
Title: Fallen Peace
Author / Artist:
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Remus Lupin
Rating: PG
Theme: # 11 in Death Combat
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, JKR does not give me Remus. Damage.
Title: Fallen Peace
Author / Artist:
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Remus Lupin
Rating: PG
Theme: # 11 in Death Combat
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, JKR does not give me Remus. Damage.
There it was. The Final Battle had finally arrived. This battle that would determine the fate of the wizarding world.
Would you get rid of evil or would they finally sink in terror? ***
Many sorcerers were engaged in this struggle for peace. Mostly Hogwarts students and teachers.
Normal, the battle took place in the castle and park. Inhabitants of pre-au-Lard too. And members of the Order of the Phoenix. Including Remus Lupin. ***
Remus who fought for peace.
for his family. His young wife, Nymphadora and their newborn son, Teddy. For Harry
. For Harry, but especially to the memory of the parents of one, James and Lily. And their best friend, Sirius.
Strangely, he did not fight for him. Only other
were important.
Nevertheless, he had no desire to die. ***
He plunged into the fight, determined to eliminate the greatest possible Death Eaters.
And if he were to cross Bellatrix, he would take pleasure in the killing to avenge Sirius.
At this thought he felt a part of himself to wake up his killer instinct.
The wolf who shared his body. ***
Lightning Rose passed near him. It was Dora.
He had tried to persuade her mother to stay home with Teddy, but she argued that if the baby's parents had to stay at his side, it should rather be Remus. She, she was Aurora, the battle was his job.
So he did not insist.
But he should have ...
When he saw the green flash spinning towards her, it was too far to prevent it.
And he could not assisting at the death of his beloved wife. ***
Bellatrix. It was she who had killed Dora.
He started in pursuit, without paying attention to the rest of the combatants, one had his revenge.
He lost his sight several times, but he always found her insane laughter being heard above the shouts and sounds of combat. ***
But it did not kill her.
Then he would finally catch up, it was Molly Weasley, who took the life of the Death Eater.
It was also the last image that Remus lives before dying, the mocking smile and surprised Bellatrix - the same smile that had been Sirius before falling behind the Veil. ***
The Killing Curse struck Dolohov launched in the chest and he fell heavily to the ground pavement of the hall. ***
was war and it was just a fallen warrior for peace.
Would you get rid of evil or would they finally sink in terror? ***
Many sorcerers were engaged in this struggle for peace. Mostly Hogwarts students and teachers.
Normal, the battle took place in the castle and park. Inhabitants of pre-au-Lard too. And members of the Order of the Phoenix. Including Remus Lupin. ***
Remus who fought for peace.
for his family. His young wife, Nymphadora and their newborn son, Teddy. For Harry
. For Harry, but especially to the memory of the parents of one, James and Lily. And their best friend, Sirius.
Strangely, he did not fight for him. Only other
were important.
Nevertheless, he had no desire to die. ***
He plunged into the fight, determined to eliminate the greatest possible Death Eaters.
And if he were to cross Bellatrix, he would take pleasure in the killing to avenge Sirius.
At this thought he felt a part of himself to wake up his killer instinct.
The wolf who shared his body. ***
Lightning Rose passed near him. It was Dora.
He had tried to persuade her mother to stay home with Teddy, but she argued that if the baby's parents had to stay at his side, it should rather be Remus. She, she was Aurora, the battle was his job.
So he did not insist.
But he should have ...
When he saw the green flash spinning towards her, it was too far to prevent it.
And he could not assisting at the death of his beloved wife. ***
Bellatrix. It was she who had killed Dora.
He started in pursuit, without paying attention to the rest of the combatants, one had his revenge.
He lost his sight several times, but he always found her insane laughter being heard above the shouts and sounds of combat. ***
But it did not kill her.
Then he would finally catch up, it was Molly Weasley, who took the life of the Death Eater.
It was also the last image that Remus lives before dying, the mocking smile and surprised Bellatrix - the same smile that had been Sirius before falling behind the Veil. ***
The Killing Curse struck Dolohov launched in the chest and he fell heavily to the ground pavement of the hall. ***
was war and it was just a fallen warrior for peace.
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